View Full Version : More woes...

04-09-2011, 12:34 PM
Well I got my car back on friday afternoon after having my vanos / cam timing issues sorted.

Car felt lovely, quick, just felt brilliant...

Shortlived though, as now, this morning, went to pop out to see a friend, started the car, immediately got the engine outline warning lamp, and now the car is misfiring at tick over :bigcry:

Had a quick look at the coil packs but as its misfiring quite badly its difficult to diagnose if thats the problem.

Any suggestions on what to check?

Starting to lose a bit of faith, especially when my crappy Mercedes E Class (commute car) with 300k on the clock is more reliable than my CSL :banghead:

04-09-2011, 12:39 PM
I presume engine light is orange, not red?

I'd be looking a sensors (lambda) and coilpacks.

04-09-2011, 02:17 PM
Hi Shim,

Yeah sorry, engline outline is displayed in Orange.

I'm guessing / hoping it is the coil packs and nothing more serious.

Having said that, with the engine running I unplugged them in turn but it didn't really make much difference in how it was ticking over as its misfiring.

Maybe i'll just order some up as they seem to be a common problem.

04-09-2011, 03:17 PM
I'd get a diagnostic read done first before ordering anything. Mine showed up as both lambda sensors and replacing the first one resolved it. Didn't have a misfire though

For what it's worth, I had a misfire on an E46 325 a few years ago which turned out to be coilpacks, but the warning light was red not orange

04-09-2011, 10:54 PM
Upgrade to an AMG for reliability:bigcry:

05-09-2011, 10:10 AM
Upgrade to an AMG for reliability:bigcry:

don't you mean downgrade to an AMG?!

The Gorilla
05-09-2011, 10:40 AM

Are you running the Bremi Coil Packs ?
Well known for their unreliability.

If so, swap them out for the BMW ones.


The Gorilla.

05-09-2011, 11:04 AM
As above, the Coil packs that came in the CSL out of the factory have been superceeded

05-09-2011, 11:23 AM
I'll check the make of my coils tonight when I get home from work.

I wonder if the vanos solenoid they fitted to my car on friday has anything to do with it all.

At times like these I wish I had a code reader!

05-09-2011, 06:20 PM
I have a set in my garage you can try mate they are the bosch ones. Where abouts in surrey are you?

I use okada coils in mine now, rediculously expensive but i got them on the cheap and they do make a difference especially on track days when the engine is really hot.

05-09-2011, 06:21 PM
Forgot to add also have a GT1 so can plug it in and see what's going on for sure.

05-09-2011, 09:42 PM
I have a set in my garage you can try mate they are the bosch ones. Where abouts in surrey are you?

I use okada coils in mine now, rediculously expensive but i got them on the cheap and they do make a difference especially on track days when the engine is really hot.

Jules you're a legend mate, much appreciated :beer:

Car's being picked up in the morning so will know more tomorrow, i'll let you know if I get stuck.

Based in Reigate btw.

06-09-2011, 11:25 AM

Apparently the car has the following faults:

Misfire Fault Codes across all 6 cylinders.

Exhaust Vanos Fault code (recurring 4 times).

They want to replace my Vanos with the spare one I have on friday (when they have time to fit it).

I'm still wondering if its Coil Pack / Vanos Solenoid related tbh.

The Gorilla
06-09-2011, 01:16 PM

Major Fault Code across all 6 Cylinders
will be the Head/Head Gasket.

Explains why when you removed the
Coils one by one the misfire did
not alter.

Running with the timing out due to
the Vanos issues will have contributed to


The Gorilla.

06-09-2011, 02:29 PM
oh man I hope not :(

been reading up on this:

06-09-2011, 06:20 PM
Time for a leak down test mate. only way to tell for sure.

06-09-2011, 09:50 PM
Changed the coils tonight as I had the old Bremi ones in there, so put a new set of the Bosch ones in and a new set of plugs whilst I was at it.

Also, put my old solenoid in, even though it makes the idle 'hunt' sometime, within 10 seconds of installing the solenoid the misfire was gone!

So will get the fault codes cleared out of the memory on the weekend.

Car now running fine, think i'll put a new Vanos solenoid on there as peace of mind.

Just been out for a 40 min drive to check all was ok, shame the roads are manky and its chucking it down!

06-09-2011, 09:56 PM
Changed the coils tonight as I had the old Bremi ones in there, so put a new set of the Bosch ones in and a new set of plugs whilst I was at it.

Also, put my old solenoid in, even though it makes the idle 'hunt' sometime, within 10 seconds of installing the solenoid the misfire was gone!

So will get the fault codes cleared out of the memory on the weekend.

Car now running fine, think i'll put a new Vanos solenoid on there as peace of mind.

Just been out for a 40 min drive to check all was ok, shame the roads are manky and its chucking it down!Try turning the air-con off and see if it still hunts.;)

07-09-2011, 09:25 AM
Try turning the air-con off and see if it still hunts.;)

Never use the air con anyway, the button is there, but don't know what it does lol :clown: