View Full Version : Half the F1 season going to Sky

29-07-2011, 07:19 PM
I'm gutted about this, F1 on the BBC is the best it's ever been.

No ad breaks at the wrong time and DC and bundle
commentray is spot on, apart from Martin blowing wind up LH arse constantly that is

29-07-2011, 09:39 PM
I agree, I like the format at the minute, even if that Jake fuckall, knows fuckall. It will be a shame if its ruined, although half still on BBC.

conleth m3
29-07-2011, 09:48 PM
was really dissapointed to hear this, everyone should have free access to all f1

is it the typical case of bernie being an arsehole (shrewd businessman) for more money for the tv rights?

29-07-2011, 10:19 PM
was really dissapointed to hear this, everyone should have free access to all f1

is it the typical case of bernie being an arsehole (shrewd businessman) for more money for the tv rights?

Its always about the money,

29-07-2011, 10:19 PM
I think the BBC have it spot on at the moment, shame its moving to sky.

29-07-2011, 10:52 PM
Def won't PPP if it goes that way :(

29-07-2011, 11:01 PM
Isn't this a bit of a wind up? The BBC spent years trying to get back F1 I don't think they'd let it go easily and the gov. has been trying to get more footy on free2air and even if they did, after the phone hacking why would they give it to sky???

01-08-2011, 02:52 PM
Find this really annoying. Sky coverage of most things is pretty dire tbh. What's going to happen when GPs clash with football / cricket etc?

Also, they've said they will show FP, Quali and races live, but i bet they'll be across all the sport channels, so anyone wanting to see it all, will have to pay for the sports package to get all the channels. Then more for HD.

I suspect the sponsors may be a little miffed at this?

M5 Powered
01-08-2011, 08:02 PM
The F1 teams aren't too happy either (a pal does the PR for Red Bull).

For the commercial dept of the teams it becomes a tougher sell to sponsors as the UK viewing figures will take a hit with only half a season to the masses. Also, you are right Johnny, Sky will space the weekend out over the different channels just to ensure you have to buy the full sky sports HD package.

So all in, Bernie's claim that this gives the fans more coverage and better value is complete and utter b*llocks. In fact it is a lose:lose with the only exception being Bernie's F1 TV production team (the people that already held the Beeb to ransom by trying to charge a premium for the HD feed (despite already shooting in HD) last year.

Eddy, DC and Martin do a good job, but come next year, they will no doubt end-up being separated owing to costs (hence Brundles jibe at joining the queue at the Job Centre) and the whole thing turning into a complete shambles. Enjoy while it lasts!

01-08-2011, 09:12 PM
The F1 teams aren't too happy either (a pal does the PR for Red Bull).

For the commercial dept of the teams it becomes a tougher sell to sponsors as the UK viewing figures will take a hit with only half a season to the masses. Also, you are right Johnny, Sky will space the weekend out over the different channels just to ensure you have to buy the full sky sports HD package.

So all in, Bernie's claim that this gives the fans more coverage and better value is complete and utter b*llocks. In fact it is a lose:lose with the only exception being Bernie's F1 TV production team (the people that already held the Beeb to ransom by trying to charge a premium for the HD feed (despite already shooting in HD) last year.

Eddy, DC and Martin do a good job, but come next year, they will no doubt end-up being separated owing to costs (hence Brundles jibe at joining the queue at the Job Centre) and the whole thing turning into a complete shambles. Enjoy while it lasts!

Fook, I'm really pissed off now I've read your post