View Full Version : A few more pics from today's run!

17-06-2011, 08:40 PM
A few more pics to bore you all with!! ;)

17-06-2011, 10:51 PM
Talk about all seasons in one day. Looking at the other thread there, looked like a nice day and then this. I'm guessing it's all the same day aye?

Nightmare, can't plan nothing with this pishy weather.

Good shots though, no one get any action ones? :whistle:

17-06-2011, 11:27 PM
Weather was great in the morning on the way up to Kyle and Plockton and turned to it's usual crap in the afternoon as we were going over Bealach-na- Ba to Applecross! The lad with the GTR has some action footage so hope to get that off him in the next couple of days! :thumbs: