View Full Version : CSL 200 Cell Cats

21-04-2011, 10:41 AM
Will get pictures up over the weekend.

Taken from my own car 2 years ago and stored in my garage since then, slight scraping to one of the pipes (not either of the cats themselves) when I grounded out at some point, probably falling off a track due to lack of talent :thumbs:

£350 ONO, collection preferred from Reading.

25-04-2011, 02:01 PM
Looks like I was wrong about the scrape - it has superficially damaged one of the cats, but only lightly.

There is also a very small dent from the incident, either a curb on a track maybe it was a speed bump, either way I've photo'd it up close so you see exactly what I am on about.

Due to condition will accept any sensible offer around £325.