04-04-2011, 03:29 PM
Clip shows me down the craners with another car attempting an overtake which had started on the exit of Redgate - we were racing for position. I see it that he turned in a bit too early before his overtake was complete. I was already fully over to the left and got my left wheels on the left kerb as we went down the craners. Any further over and I'm on the grass. The other car should have maintained 1 car width and we would never have touched, it was completely unecessary to turn in. Clerk of the Course held me 100% responsible...2 points on my license aswell! Feel a bit hard done to!
Just to prove that 2 cars can go door to door if you respectfully give each other the space.
and again - in the wet, obviously the outside is the quicker line in the wet, but it still goes to prove that it can be done.
Just to prove that 2 cars can go door to door if you respectfully give each other the space.
and again - in the wet, obviously the outside is the quicker line in the wet, but it still goes to prove that it can be done.