View Full Version : Help Needed Please - Cracked Bumper

22-12-2010, 06:52 PM
Hi all,

Looking for some of your expert advice please. This morning whilst edging out of a junction, a van refused to let me out and cut straight across the front of my bumper. Resulting damage is it scraped right-hand corner, ripped the no. plate off, and detached the right-front spliter a bit (but not broken). See photos attached.

I'm not sure the best way to go about getting it repaired. If I go through the insurance then god knows what my premium will be next year, but I know that the bumper is an expensive bit of kit so I may have no choice.

What do you guys think? Simple to repair? If so who would you recommend (I live South London but will travel)? Or will I need to get the insurance to replace the whole lot.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give. Needless to say I am truely gutted!


Mark CSL
22-12-2010, 07:57 PM
Easy fix £100 to fix and paint the bumper and if you pm me your address i have a brand new number plate holder you can have :thumbs:
Not sure when you might get it with the post the way it is just now :hahaha:

22-12-2010, 09:00 PM
I take it the van didn't stop then? :banghead:

If its just cosmetic damage and the structure is ok then i would agree with Mark and just get the paint sorted. The splitter is easy to re-attach with new plastic rivets.

Looking at the 3rd pic, at least you know you have a CF bumper! :thumbs:

24-12-2010, 01:48 PM
Thanks for the replies guys! PM coming your way Mark regarding the plate holder, cheers! :thumbs:
Damage on the corner is cosmetic only, but where the screws holding on the no plate where pulled out the holes have been enlarged and there is a crack with one of them. I'm guessing this will require a bit more than paint? In photo crack is about 2" long (after that is cosmetic only), and little hole approx 1". Can anyone recommend where I can take this to get fixed? Thanks again in advance.

24-12-2010, 01:56 PM
Specialised Paintwork in Reading have certainly fixed a few.

Mark CSL
24-12-2010, 02:10 PM
Thanks for the replies guys! PM coming your way Mark regarding the plate holder, cheers! :thumbs:
Damage on the corner is cosmetic only, but where the screws holding on the no plate where pulled out the holes have been enlarged and there is a crack with one of them. I'm guessing this will require a bit more than paint? In photo crack is about 2" long (after that is cosmetic only), and little hole approx 1". Can anyone recommend where I can take this to get fixed? Thanks again in advance.

The number plate holder will hide the crack and with some catty and a paint it will look like new :thumbs:

Pm sent :beer:

24-12-2010, 06:57 PM
Can anyone recommend where I can take this to get fixed? Thanks again in advance.

If you don't mind traveling to sussex you could try this place http://www.sprcoachworks.co.uk they've done a few carbon repairs on a couple of GT3 race cars

24-12-2010, 10:52 PM
i,d have the holes filled and leave the holder off for a cleaner smoother look.

Mark CSL
15-01-2011, 12:18 AM
Part will be in the post on monday Jamie

15-01-2011, 12:58 PM
As has been said before, it'll fix easily enough. Search the Forum to see the job me and my Dad done on mine a couple of years ago and it's still spotless.

My link (http://www.cslregister.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1383&highlight=splitter)