View Full Version : Urgent help needed!

03-12-2010, 06:14 PM
Could somone please provide a picture of where to find the serial/part no. for the front bumper.

I am in dipsute with the insurance company over whether the bumper is a genuine item or not??

Please help before they try to palm me off with a non-genuine item!!


03-12-2010, 06:25 PM
Off my new spare one. Tag on box has part no. 51 11 7 896 820

Number is on the inside somewhere. Do a search as Tom from NZ has posted loads of pictures of bumpers and part numbers.

Hope that helps.

03-12-2010, 06:31 PM

03-12-2010, 06:37 PM
Also this thread might be useful:


04-12-2010, 01:27 AM
There are 3

The part number sticker (and it's only a sticker, so could have fallen off if the bumper is used) is under the centre grill towards the driver side.

Then there's a manufacturing date sticker that's laminated within the bumper also under the centre grill towards the passenger side.

On the built in crash bar on the driver side there's another manufacturing date sticker laminated within the structure itself towards the outside ..

The above is for the older manufacturing bumpers.

On the newer ones I believe the laminated stickers are on the driver side of the bumper and the crash bar itself and should look like the stickers shown in the link given above for the 'newer style' splitters.

If you really need a photo I can take some for you - just let me know, but otherwise pretty hard to miss.

04-12-2010, 12:51 PM
Thanks guys that is great help.

I assume the sticker must have come off, therefore the assesor cannot find it.

NZ_M3, i think there is enough photos on the links, thanks for your help.

05-12-2010, 11:04 AM
Thanks guys that is great help.

I assume the sticker must have come off, therefore the assesor cannot find it.

NZ_M3, i think there is enough photos on the links, thanks for your help.

The manufacturing date stickers are laminated into the carbon fiber, so those don't come off. Look for those instead (should be dated and signed like the pic below)
