View Full Version : FAO VBOX Owners

17-10-2010, 11:57 PM

It is very, very cool. :thumbs:

RRP for the display has been reduced from 355 to 300 and we can do better than that for members :smt055

18-10-2010, 08:38 AM
Isn't this more suited to peeps who are racing ?

Timing isn't allowed on trackdays due to insurance, the underlying reason being that timing promotes a sense of "must do more" until ultimately you push it too far. Datalogging is tolerated because its not realtime and no-one has a stopwatch in their hand ;-)

I wonder if having something like this in the car "sets the wrong tone" ;)

I came to fit my vbox to the csl this weekend (well, I had a spare few hours) - blimey, you can really see the difference in bmw - under the dash and behind the glovebox is still a big trim-fest so I'm wondering whether to bother with a neat install and instead just chuck it in the glovebox with wires exposed as and when I need it.

18-10-2010, 09:18 AM
Valid points matey, still cool though ;)

Some trackdays are utterly cool with timing as well, MLR Spa days for example :)

18-10-2010, 09:24 AM
Isn't this more suited to peeps who are racing ?

Timing isn't allowed on trackdays due to insurance, the underlying reason being that timing promotes a sense of "must do more" until ultimately you push it too far. Datalogging is tolerated because its not realtime and no-one has a stopwatch in their hand ;-)

I wonder if having something like this in the car "sets the wrong tone" ;)

I came to fit my vbox to the csl this weekend (well, I had a spare few hours) - blimey, you can really see the difference in bmw - under the dash and behind the glovebox is still a big trim-fest so I'm wondering whether to bother with a neat install and instead just chuck it in the glovebox with wires exposed as and when I need it.


I do surprisingly agree. I love timing bit wouldn't want visible timer or predictive lap times unless I was racing or testing where it would be very useful. How long Nathan before we can get pit side live in car telemetry? (cheaply)

As for Vbox I found a great little way of semi permanent mounting. Try using the small area just below the dash on thecrightvof the steering wheel. Easy access out to door trims and to power even if you just feed under into the cigarette lighter. Looks neat as well and you can see the Libya which is vital to be sure the logger is working.

18-10-2010, 09:43 AM
Telemetry is never gonna be cheap matey, you need a £500 odd a year radio license for a start.

Have seen some clever stuff with a DL1 serial output being fed over the air to a PC though, that is probably as cheap as it can be done.

18-10-2010, 02:07 PM
Looks neat as well and you can see the Libya which is vital to be sure the logger is working.

Libya ? or ...Labia ???

18-10-2010, 04:21 PM
I do surprisingly agree.

Had to happen sooner or later. Don't worry, normal service will be restored soon ;-)

As for Vbox I found a great little way of semi permanent mounting. Try using the small area just below the dash on thecrightvof the steering wheel. Easy access out to door trims and to power even if you just feed under into the cigarette lighter.

I suspect you have a vbox lite. The vbox "pro" doesn't fit here, tried. My brother bought a pro before the days of the lite and I've inherited this for the CSL. Ironically the "full on" evo has a vbox lite.


18-10-2010, 08:49 PM
I suspect you have a vbox lite. The vbox "pro" doesn't fit here, tried. My brother bought a pro before the days of the lite and I've inherited this for the CSL. Ironically the "full on" evo has a vbox lite.


wrong choice again :hahaha:;)

18-10-2010, 09:16 PM
What can you do eh ? Wasn't around when he bought his - it was "pro" or nothing.