View Full Version : Removal of Steering Wheel / Paddles

04-10-2010, 09:12 AM
I'm getting the wheel re-trimmed (there's a guy Jack in Oxford who gets recommended all over the place for this stuff - £130 for ace quality!) and as one of my paddles has gone..er.."shit" on the finish I'll swap those out too.

Any gotchas involved in removing the wheel/airbags etc?

Anyone got any aftermarket (CA Auto?) paddles which are especially good or bad?

04-10-2010, 09:32 AM
There's a video on here somewhere showing how to remove the steering wheel.

The biggest arse ache is disengaging the spring catches that hold the airbag in. There's a definite knack to it, and you'll probably need to swear at it a few times before the airbag pops out.

04-10-2010, 04:09 PM
Just make sure you disconnect your battery!! Risk of airbag going off, and the airbag light will come on.

04-10-2010, 04:28 PM
There's a video on here somewhere showing how to remove the steering wheel.

The biggest arse ache is disengaging the spring catches that hold the airbag in. There's a definite knack to it, and you'll probably need to swear at it a few times before the airbag pops out.

yep popping out the airbag was a real pain for me... have a look at the thread on here ref adding cruise control, as that had some good pics of where the clips are ... also try youtube etc ... need to get the angles just right.