View Full Version : ROAD TAX SAVING

Mark CSL
18-07-2008, 10:08 PM
Shamelessly pinched from another Forum I use, probably of relevance to you guys here too!:-

I would like to save you all some money

I have just looked at the cost of renewing my road tax for the next couple of years in the light of the Governments "gas guzzling" tax hikes.

My annual road tax is currently £210, it is going up to £300 from 1/4/2009 and from 1/4/2010 to a massive £430 for a years road tax.

My advice...

If your road tax is due for renewal by the end of August 2008 then do NOT renew it for 12 months. Go for 6 months instead.

If you renew for six months you will have another renewal to make prior to the new rates coming into effect from 13/3/2009. At that stage you should renew for 12 months since it will still be at the current low rates.

Based on my calculations if I do this, over the next 2.5 years my road tax will cost £625 compared to a 3 year annual renewal cost of £940.

I accept I will be 6 months out of sync but I will have saved £315 which more than covers the missing 6 months tax.

The savings will depend on your car and its CO2 emmissions.

Check out your own car at http://www.parkers.co.uk/cars/road-tax/ to see what your road tax bills will be.

If you have more than one car or several vehicles in your business...you do the maths. No-brainer.

Mark CSL
18-07-2008, 10:11 PM
BMW 3-Series M3 Coupé (01-07)

Rates effective from 13 March 2008
Date of Registration 6 Months 12 Months Band CO2 (g/km)
1 Jul 2003 – 1 Dec 2003 £115.50 £210.00 F 287

Rates effective from April 2009
Date of Registration 6 Months 12 Months Band CO2 (g/km)
1 Jul 2003 – 1 Dec 2003 £165.00 £300.00 K 287

Rates effective from April 2010
Date of Registration 6 Months 12 Months Band CO2 (g/km)
1 Jul 2003 – 1 Dec 2003 £250.25 £455.00 M 287

The Gorilla
19-07-2008, 01:12 AM

Not sure why people are making all these suggestions ?

All you do is put your vehicle on SORN for one Day Feb 28th 2009,
cash in any RFL balance, and then the very next day, March 1st put it back on the road with 12 months RFL which will then keep you a few
days inside the increase date.


The Gorilla.

19-07-2008, 06:14 AM
:smt103 :smt103 :smt103 ...how much....... :smt103 :smt103 :smt103

Didn't realise that the CSL was in the top band...what a load of goverment :wanker:.....

Gorrilla, you may have something there.

What annoys me about this is that I will do about 4000 miles a year in my CSL and someone in his 2.0l Mondeo will do 15k to 20k and pay less in road tax yet will admit more CO2 pollution and will be killing the planet far me than me. This tax should be more about usage than waht car you drive.....this is just another tax in the name of being green yet isn't. Anyway rant over.

19-07-2008, 05:58 PM
This tax should be more about usage than waht car you drive.....

We've already got that. It's called fuel tax. :moan:

this is just another tax in the name of being green yet isn't.

Yep. It's meant to discourage you from buying a 'high band car' in the first place. Especially a second-hand one.

19-07-2008, 06:06 PM
[quote=Andyk]This tax should be more about usage than waht car you drive.....

We've already got that. It's called fuel tax. :moan:

Yep agree, but still think that tax should be more about usage...just my opinion though.

19-07-2008, 07:02 PM
Yep agree, but still think that tax should be more about usage...just my opinion though.

It is. The more you use the car, the more you get taxed!

Unless, of course, you think that we should have road charging. :smt022

19-07-2008, 07:10 PM
Yep agree, but still think that tax should be more about usage...just my opinion though.

Unless, of course, you think that we should have road charging. :smt022

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

19-07-2008, 07:13 PM
Sorry wrong one... :whistle: :wink:

Road charging.. :smt103 :smt103 :smt103 :smt070 :-D

All I will add though is that it's a road tax and some drivers use the roads more than others.