View Full Version : Heat Cycling

10-09-2010, 09:48 AM
As many of us have seen it mentioned (mostly be Shimmy ;)) I wondered what was involved with this process mainly for when I want to buy a brand new set of Cups for next season and want to get the best out of them?

How much does it cost, who can do it, what is the benefit/reason behind having it done, how is it done?

Also if it's something that say I can't get done locally is there an alternative 'running in' process for Michelin PS Cups?

Cheers :)

10-09-2010, 10:05 AM
some advice at tirerack http://www.tirerack.com/tires/tiretech/techpage.jsp?techid=66

if you are using them on the road i wouldnt bother as road use basically does the same thing (heats them up and cools them down with out overheating).

I get mine done at http://www.track-club.com/ (ask for Stephen Docherty) as he has a bed cycler which does 4 or 8 tyres at once (not sure which). It takes a few hours and uses some elctricity there fore costs around £40-50 but worth it when tyres are worth £1200.

His unit is in Kimbolton, PE28 0NJ, so you could arrange a vist or drop them off. He can also supply/fit Cups if the prices work out for you.

Alternatively my old way of HC them is to put them on, drive 2-3 hours on the road spiritedly and then let them cool off overnight (trip to Spa or Ring works wonders). This does more or less the same thing but maybe not as perfectly prepared.