View Full Version : Intrax 4 Way, Anyone got any settings?

22-08-2010, 12:39 PM
Hey Guys and Gals, well have now finished the car will post some pics soon I promise!!

Had Simpson put the intrax kit that I found second hand on the car, all i can say is Holy Sh!t, they are amazing!! No comparison to anything else I have used!!

Julian set them up at the mid level and they are great but not sure how many guys are running these and if anyone has any recommendations for the 4 different adjusters. It could potentially be a nightmare so am just looking for an idea for road, track and wet track.


22-08-2010, 12:47 PM
DuncanR inherited a set of these when he bought his CSL. I'm not sure he has settings for them though :whistle:

22-08-2010, 04:06 PM
Need to check that Duncan has the same spring rates and valving as you...

Duncan has some base settings from Henk, some 'ring settings from Shirmer and some smooth circuit starting point settings from Julian (which were just off the top of his head as I asked him one day).

22-08-2010, 05:32 PM
Nathan, what spring weights are you running now?

22-08-2010, 06:18 PM
AH well Duncan seems to be the man to ask! I have the normal valving for these from intrax they have not been changed, spring rates are 100 front 50 rear. Maybe will PM him if he doesn t come along soon.


22-08-2010, 07:16 PM
Duncan is on his holiday's

22-08-2010, 07:40 PM
Iain, Think I am running 130 front, 70 rear, remember that car is lighter so spring rates seem stiffer than they would on a full fat car if you see what I mean...

Cantfind1 - I wouldn't be surprised if Duncan had something funky on his valving as I think they may have been ring specific?

23-08-2010, 02:52 AM
Hi guys ...Im back ... what the fook are Intrax 4 ways ??? :smt102:smt102:smt102

See you in the morning ...off ta ma bed !

23-08-2010, 12:12 PM
Hey Guys and Gals, well have now finished the car will post some pics soon I promise!!

Had Simpson put the intrax kit that I found second hand on the car, all i can say is Holy Sh!t, they are amazing!! No comparison to anything else I have used!!

Julian set them up at the mid level and they are great but not sure how many guys are running these and if anyone has any recommendations for the 4 different adjusters. It could potentially be a nightmare so am just looking for an idea for road, track and wet track.


shimmy the man to talk to

23-08-2010, 12:28 PM
shimmy the man to talk to

4way you muppet!

I've got a simpletons 2way:)

23-08-2010, 12:35 PM
4way you muppet!

I've got a simpletons 2way:)

I actually thought you ran KW's Shim! So your on the Intrax 1K2 are you? :)

23-08-2010, 12:37 PM
I actually thought you ran KW's Shim! So your on the Intrax 1K2 are you? :)


The Gorilla
23-08-2010, 12:48 PM

I am slightly confused by this thread.

Setting up a Cars suspension especially with
4 way adjust is not just a case of here are some
settings, and away you go.

Setting up 4 way adjustable suspension correctly
for a Track Car would take about a morning with
somebody who knew what they were doing and had
all the information, and ideally you would need to
be able to test/set as you go.

There are many different paramiters with 4 way, and in
most, everytime you alter one setting it changes another
and so on.

Does the car have adjustable arb links, so that when set
the ARB pre load can be adjusted off, are you running linnear
or progessive springs, is the ride height set for a certain tyre
profile, has the car ever been corner weighted with half tank,
and so it goes on, and you've not even touched the Intrax yet.

Buying 4 way suspension is the easy part, setting it for
max mechanical grip on the car will be a lot harder and
far more complex, and not something anybody can learn
in few minutes of somebody eles's settings.

A properly set up CSL on standard suspension will lap faster
than a CSL on 4 way, unless its been corectly set up on
the Car and tested.

After investing in the 4 way, now you have to invest in making
it work. There is no free lunch.


The Gorilla.

23-08-2010, 01:07 PM
I actually thought you ran KW's Shim! So your on the Intrax 1K2 are you? :)

+1. It's very good and very simple........................and I need that.:clown:

Gorilla is spot on and I'd say that applies to 1K2 as well, only way easier to play with.

23-08-2010, 01:08 PM

You have a habit of over complicating things.

I can tell a Tyres pressure with a kick of my right boot and set up any suspension by phone within 10 minutes.

Good rates to!

23-08-2010, 01:17 PM

You have a habit of over complicating things.

I can tell a Tyres pressure with a kick of my right boot and set up any suspension by phone within 10 minutes.

Good rates to!

Will a couple of :beer: be enough?

The Gorilla
23-08-2010, 02:15 PM

Shimmy - it clearly states in the Intrax
manual that its 'knob' making the adjustements
that is not warranted, not the Adjustment Knob.


The Gorilla.

23-08-2010, 03:02 PM

I am slightly confused by this thread.

Setting up a Cars suspension especially with
4 way adjust is not just a case of here are some
settings, and away you go.

Setting up 4 way adjustable suspension correctly
for a Track Car would take about a morning with
somebody who knew what they were doing and had
all the information, and ideally you would need to
be able to test/set as you go.

There are many different paramiters with 4 way, and in
most, everytime you alter one setting it changes another
and so on.

Does the car have adjustable arb links, so that when set
the ARB pre load can be adjusted off, are you running linnear
or progessive springs, is the ride height set for a certain tyre
profile, has the car ever been corner weighted with half tank,
and so it goes on, and you've not even touched the Intrax yet.

Buying 4 way suspension is the easy part, setting it for
max mechanical grip on the car will be a lot harder and
far more complex, and not something anybody can learn
in few minutes of somebody eles's settings.

A properly set up CSL on standard suspension will lap faster
than a CSL on 4 way, unless its been corectly set up on
the Car and tested.

After investing in the 4 way, now you have to invest in making
it work. There is no free lunch.


The Gorilla.

I have them, but I did inherit them without having a clue what they were... and I couldn’t agree more with the above, after all the more complicated you make something ...of necessity the more complicated it becomes! …sounds a little Oirish dat !
Only having arrived on the TD and Ring scene last October, my “setup” experience be it track, Ring or road is to say the least fairly limited, I haven’t “messed” around with my Intrax very much at all for the very reasons the Gorilla has stated… and my ass knows every bump from my house to the Ring and back as I haven’t dared to even soften it for road use ! There are more than enough variables with setting up ordinary adjustable suspension, as in toe, camber, castor et al, without factoring in the lack or experience I have.
In a word, my current Intrax 4 – way is too complicated for my seat of the pants, I have big enough bollocks, but I’m having fun driving style. Its probably overkill for something like the Ring where even more variables come into play, however, I can see their use in a race environment where consistent quick laps are the order of the day, and kerb jumping is a requirement, which brings the extended adjustments of the Intrax 4 way into play,and where fractions of a second per lap can and are gained through suspension change.
For my part they are worth a few seconds a lap due to the “placebo” effect of me saying to myself “you can get through here quicker as you have Intrax 4-way fitted!!”
Being an engineer, I can testify to them being a good product, adjustment knobs never stick even if the under arches are plastered in crap, in operation, they do give a very pointy positive feel to the drivability of the car, giving it the old sled on rails feel, to coin a phrase. For now, I shall content myself with sticking to basic suspension setup, and spend more time in the car driving it, than outside of it, up on the jacks clicking away at some adjustment that I really don’t understand, and even if it made a difference, would fail to spot anyway.

23-08-2010, 03:10 PM
Found this somewhere, maybe it was someone on here ??
Cut and paste into Word for easier reading ..

24-08-2010, 09:22 AM
Hey Gorilla I see what you are saying but not all of us are that amateur!

My car has been set up correctly and corner weighted and the Adjustable droplinks are not running any preload so i do know what I am talking about.

To keep it simple if someone with the same car as yours is running the same suspension and they have some base settings for me to work from then that is all i am asking.

I know what i want from the suspension but if i can start from a closer point this will save me time. Simple really!

Duncan cheers for the info, i have all the Intrax guides already and will take a look at the word document. many thanks.

4 way suspension can be complicated but if you know where you start from and write down your changes then it really makes it easier.

These are no different to KW V3's or Clubsport but you need to have a base setting first, somewhere to hang your hat so to speak.

Agree with Shimmy things are only complicated if you make them that way.

24-08-2010, 10:00 AM
Duncan, Thanks for posting up the info it's much clearer now !

One question under Basic setup........ "D" +1,5 Slag

who is slag.......one of your ex's with big tits. lol

The Gorilla
24-08-2010, 10:40 AM

Cantfind1- I wish you all the best and your absolutely
correct, there are many people out there that have
forgotten more about supsension set up than I will ever

I do not recall many of them Corner weighting the car
first and then setting the suspension afterwards

Still like you said, not all are that Amatuer.


The Gorilla.

24-08-2010, 04:17 PM
A question. is it possible that when a CSL is corner weighted that one side of the car will be 30mm higher than the other side? Is it only possible to corner weight by pre loading the suspension and altering the ride height?

24-08-2010, 05:25 PM
Duncan, Thanks for posting up the info it's much clearer now !

One question under Basic setup........ "D" +1,5 Slag

who is slag.......one of your ex's with big tits. lol

Look here T$ you womans genital area you !.. below the meaning of the Dutch word slag.

http://bis.babylon.com/?rt=GetFile&uri=!!AEUERM3YC6&type=1&index=11 Dutch-English Technical Dictionary (http://www.cslregister.com/dutch/to-english/Dutch-English-Technical-Dictionary/)
stroke; blow; strand; twist; turn; travel; revolution; beat; wobble; run-out :birdman:

The Gorilla
24-08-2010, 05:48 PM

DuncanR- 30mm higher one side than the other
does seem very excessive for a car that is
approx 55/45 % weight front to rear in standard form.

Even allowing for a RHD car with the inclined 6 pot
being rhd bias, 30mm still seems quite a lot.

Are you sure its as much as 30mm ?


The Gorilla.

24-08-2010, 06:12 PM

DuncanR- 30mm higher one side than the other
does seem very excessive for a car that is
approx 55/45 % weight front to rear in standard form.

Even allowing for a RHD car with the inclined 6 pot
being rhd bias, 30mm still seems quite a lot.

Are you sure its as much as 30mm ?


The Gorilla.

Indeed it was, being an Engineer type chap it was on level ground, and measured accurately with a tape at first onto the bodywork, through the wheel centre line, and then later I removed the wheels and using Vernier calipers took a reading from the suspension struts themselves to discount errors in the bodywork. IIRC it was +30 across the rear with N/S high, and +12 across the front with N/S high. In my ignorance at the time, I got a "local" speacialist to reset the Geo, but in reality I am of the opinion that all they did was reset the ride height, which they set too low anyway, and nothing more, I later reset the ride height myself to something sensible, and set the Intrax to some settings from the owner Henk, and recorded the changes I made.