View Full Version : Clearcoat on CF doorpanel starts to bubble

02-06-2010, 05:08 PM
Hi all!
I'm having a problem with the clearcoat on the passengerside doorpanel.
The clearcoat is starting to bubble, this happend over a couple of hours.
I don't believe the occasional seatbelt touching this part has anything to do with it, as the surface it still smooth, no scrathes.
At the moment the bubble hasn't burst..yet..

Anyone seen this before? Does BMW acknowledge this problem?

I showed it to my dealer today, they agreed this isn't normal BUT because of this being a German Premium Selection car imported into Belgium, BMW BENELUX won't cover it. They advise me to sort things out in Germany...
Mails sent, awaiting answers..


02-06-2010, 11:08 PM
worse case if they wont cover it take the door card off rub it down and re clear

03-06-2010, 10:42 AM
First time Ive seen this, fingers crossed for you that BMW Germany sort you out with a new one.