View Full Version : Camera van parking

17-03-2010, 01:03 PM
Are camera vans allowed to park on grass verges with 2 wheels on the pavement? Just to clarify, the van is completely off the road, but half on a grass verge and half on a pavement. I thought that they had to be "parked" legally - either in a lay-by, or on someones private land with their permission.

The Gorilla
17-03-2010, 01:34 PM

theGingerNinja- is your question
a general one of more specific
to your own circumstances ?

Do you have a photo of the
offending parked up Van ?


The Gorilla.

17-03-2010, 01:46 PM
There's a camera van that regularly parks on a grass verge down my way near Truro (A30) despite the fact that there is a purpose built camera van lay-by just one mile further down the road.

Sneaky feckers :smt011

17-03-2010, 02:15 PM
Are camera vans allowed to park on grass verges with 2 wheels on the pavement? Just to clarify, the van is completely off the road, but half on a grass verge and half on a pavement. I thought that they had to be "parked" legally - either in a lay-by, or on someones private land with their permission.

Simon, what they caught up with you. The best thing you can do is just park along side them blocking the road you will find they wont get many speeding ticket's then.

The government is short of money.

17-03-2010, 02:55 PM
I was under the limit so it didn't get me - but I thought they couldn't park on the pavement as it is against the law.....for everyone? Might stop and take a photo next time.

Iain - are you around for the the Golf race at Brands next Sunday?

17-03-2010, 03:24 PM
Iain - are you around for the the Golf race at Brands next Sunday?

Yes mate I'll be there on the 28th. so what time does your race start ? :thumbs:

17-03-2010, 04:06 PM
Race 1 3.00pm
Race 2 5.45pm! If it's still in one piece?

The Gorilla
17-03-2010, 06:53 PM

If you ever get 'snapped' by a Camera Van
that has a wheel on the public foot path
then take a photo of it in situ, time and
date if possible, and retain.

Reason being that 'Obstructing the Public
Footpath'' is an offence and can only be
undertaking for pre agreed periods with
special dispensation from the governing
Local Authority, which requires a Planning
Application submission at least 6 weeks in

Reason being, is so that measures can be
undertaking to assist or protect Blind
people who may use that public footpath.

Somwhere in the Statutes is says that your
not allowed to breach the law in order to
enforce the law unless its life or death, or
something to that effect.

Speed Camera detection is Road Saftey
not life or death.

Other prefferd option is to always past
them at a 151mph as they are not legally
cailbrated on the Home Office approved
software at over 150 mph.

Car video is though.

Sorry, rant over.

The Gorilla.

17-03-2010, 06:57 PM
There's a camera van that regularly parks on a grass verge down my way near Truro (A30) despite the fact that there is a purpose built camera van lay-by just one mile further down the road.

Sneaky feckers :smt011Thanks Rob,didnt know that,i often drive that way.;)

18-03-2010, 11:24 AM
Top answer Gorilla! All info has been mentally logged for future use - cheers.

18-03-2010, 11:55 AM
Top answer Gorilla! All info has been mentally logged for future use - cheers.

I like this bit

"Other prefferd option is to always past
them at a 151mph as they are not legally
cailbrated on the Home Office approved
software at over 150 mph."

I'll give this one a try next time. (will you visit me in prison) lol

18-03-2010, 08:20 PM
Thanks Rob,didnt know that,i often drive that way.;)

It's actually just off the A30 between Carland Cross roundabout and before you get to Trispen - after the big dip! ;)