View Full Version : Good driving roads in Europe?

22-01-2010, 12:41 PM
For our trip to Spa in May, we won't to do something a little different than spending the weekend at the Ring, and then Spa on the Monday.

We plan to land at Brugge on the Friday morning, and arrive at Spa on the Monday morning, with possibly hitting the Ring on the Sunday afternoon. So, we need some good driving roads to hit in between the Friday & Monday (Sunday pm). The Stelvio pass has been suggested, but that is 500+ miles from Brugge, so we would spending 2 days justing getting there and back.

What we need is some good driving roads/areas to have some fun with.

Anyone got any ideas?

22-01-2010, 05:04 PM
most fo the swiss and italian passes are not only a good drive away but take along time to drive as they are windy (wind -eee)

i dont know of any in BElgium, Germany though

22-01-2010, 07:38 PM
For our trip to Spa in May, we won't to do something a little different than spending the weekend at the Ring, and then Spa on the Monday.

We plan to land at Brugge on the Friday morning, and arrive at Spa on the Monday morning, with possibly hitting the Ring on the Sunday afternoon. So, we need some good driving roads to hit in between the Friday & Monday (Sunday pm). The Stelvio pass has been suggested, but that is 500+ miles from Brugge, so we would spending 2 days justing getting there and back.

What we need is some good driving roads/areas to have some fun with.

Anyone got any ideas?
The back roads in and around the Ring are quite good value, just don't drive them like the Ring or U might spent the rest of your spare time inside local Cop shop :whistle: or A&E if you're really unlucky .

22-01-2010, 08:45 PM
Yep, Belgium's roads have to be some of the worst in Europe this side of Albania! There's nothing of interest until you reach the Eifel region near the Ring. Loads of roads beyond that but you need a week to do it properly! :whistle:

2008 - Bavaria/Switzerland/Stelvio/Ring/Brussels

2009 - Bruges/Ring/Brussels


26-01-2010, 12:04 PM
Cheers Rob :thumbs:

Looks like we will be giving the Ring a miss and heading down to the Stelvio pass. We might get a few laps in on the Sunday if we make it that far North in time.

Otherwise, I will see you y'all at Spa! :supz:

I just need to buy a car now....... :whistle:

26-01-2010, 12:26 PM
Cheers Rob :thumbs:

Looks like we will be giving the Ring a miss and heading down to the Stelvio pass. We might get a few laps in on the Sunday if we make it that far North in time.

Otherwise, I will see you y'all at Spa! :supz:

I just need to buy a car now....... :whistle:

Nice one Tim, just allow sufficient time to get to Stelvio and back as it's a fair trek! The snows should have receded enough by May!

Be good to meet you again :beer:

26-01-2010, 04:15 PM
Nice one Tim, just allow sufficient time to get to Stelvio and back as it's a fair trek! The snows should have receded enough by May!

Be good to meet you again :beer:

Currently being planned...... ;)

But it is a fair trek so thats why we have dropped the Ring for this trip, but I think it will be worth it..... :drool:

http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=stelvio+pass&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=17.497481,39.331055&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Stelvio+National+Park,+23032+Bormio+Sondrio, +Lombardy,+Italy&ll=46.531056,10.469069&spn=0.01984,0.05476&t=h&z=15

26-01-2010, 04:23 PM
its not just the trek but the actual tiem it takes to drive it as the road is long and slow effectively

we driove from Monza to the Ring in heavy rain and it took 10 hours and the guys who did the stelvio whic looked 'on the way' had a 16 hour drive and didnt make the ring that night

26-01-2010, 06:16 PM
Cheers Rob :thumbs:

Looks like we will be giving the Ring a miss and heading down to the Stelvio pass. We might get a few laps in on the Sunday if we make it that far North in time.

Otherwise, I will see you y'all at Spa! :supz:

I just need to buy a car now....... :whistle:
Since you're going that way there is also this (pix below) nearby in central Switzerland. Less know then Stelvio but equally good value :thumbs:. Google "Furkapass" for maps and info.