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01-12-2009, 01:52 PM
Moi !

01-12-2009, 02:46 PM
Is that Ross Kemp's Granddad !

01-12-2009, 04:55 PM
Oi TS ! ... I wont officially be a grandad until June next year !!
Am I the oldest CSL owner on here? 52 und 3/4 at min !

PS Not a lot of people know this.... but Im Bob Hoskins son !

01-12-2009, 05:20 PM
you are indeed the oldest (but i am catching)

01-12-2009, 06:13 PM
Moi !

Ahhh... your CLS in a familiar place where it belongs ... and spent most of it's first six years, since production :whistle: doing 13 mile laps, one at a time :whistle:

01-12-2009, 10:51 PM
you are indeed the oldest (but i am catching)

Bloody Hell Shim that was taken atleast 10 years ago....

01-12-2009, 10:54 PM
Bloody Hell Shim that was taken atleast 10 years ago....

enshalla Stu

but i think i still look like that! (yep about 10 years)

01-12-2009, 11:45 PM
Blimey! It's Shake Shimmy! Now I know how you can afford the Cup stock pile. ;)

02-12-2009, 10:39 AM
Oh dear .,..what have I started ! like the shake shimmy Alex:thumbs:... salam alekum Shake Shimmy !... sounds like a dance !
Matt, I have looked into my cars previous history shall we say, and I didnt exactly go in blind, besides, the way Andrew drove it ,it had new everything almost every few months ! no offence Andrew !;).
One thing you can say about my car and that is that it desnt come as a shock to it when its driven hard, unlike some who maybe only get to thrash about in theirs evry now and again ! Needless to say I shall probably be asking Thorney for a credit limit in excess of £5,000 to keep it going in the same manner !:bigcry:. At the end of the day all we seem to wear out are discs,pads, bushes and tyres, mere consumables !

02-12-2009, 12:43 PM
Oh dear .,..what have I started ! like the shake shimmy Alex:thumbs:... salam alekum Shake Shimmy !... sounds like a dance !
Matt, I have looked into my cars previous history shall we say, and I didnt exactly go in blind, besides, the way Andrew drove it ,it had new everything almost every few months ! no offence Andrew !;).
One thing you can say about my car and that is that it desnt come as a shock to it when its driven hard, unlike some who maybe only get to thrash about in theirs evry now and again ! Needless to say I shall probably be asking Thorney for a credit limit in excess of £5,000 to keep it going in the same manner !:bigcry:. At the end of the day all we seem to wear out are discs,pads, bushes and tyres, mere consumables !

I know U knew, after all Andrew wrote it in the original "For Sale" Ad and it's where CSLs spiritual home is anyway :hahaha: