View Full Version : Radar Detection-Speed Camera Locator

04-11-2009, 08:23 PM
Hi guys,

I've just been looking at Speed Camera Location Devices/Radar detectors for use in the UK. I'm a newcomer to this country so I am not really sure how the Speed traps work. I am basically looking for a high quality device that will tell me the locations (fixed and known spots of mobile) of any devices which will monitor my speed.

A friend has talked to me about a Road Angel but then again I keep hearing that a TomTom GPS or iPhone app. will practically perform the exact same function for free.

I have a Valentine V1 Radar detector aswell but not sure if it will be any use in this country.


What are you guys using?

Cheers :beer:,


M5 Powered
04-11-2009, 09:52 PM
You've really come to the wrong country. :moan:

Pocket GPS Speed Trap Camera database on a Tom Tom, Iphone or Garmin and your sorted.

You can still use your Valentine 1, just make sure X band is turned off (not used by police here).

Some people do also use laser jammers in the UK, but the police and the courts are wise to these devices, often sold as 'garage door openers'. I used to have one and it saved me a few times on the M40, but you are now in danger of having your car lifted and done for perverting the course of justice.


M5 Powered

P.s. loads of stuff on the different revenue raisers here

Rick H
27-04-2014, 07:54 PM
Thread Resurrection Alert ! ! !

Any recommendations on radar detectors? I've just been out testing my airbox stills works - and it does, but the regular and very-necessary testing procedure could possibly upset the establishment.

I have a Valentine One, I was going to get the tricky in-mirror display done but never got around to it. It also "needs" a $200 update.

27-04-2014, 07:57 PM
I have the Tom Tom camera app for iPhone and it is first class. Not a jammer (which are useless) but just the camera warning. I use Google for Sat Nav now on iPhone.

27-04-2014, 08:47 PM
Thread Resurrection Alert ! ! !

Any recommendations on radar detectors? I've just been out testing my airbox stills works - and it does, but the regular and very-necessary testing procedure could possibly upset the establishment.

I have a Valentine One, I was going to get the tricky in-mirror display done but never got around to it. It also "needs" a $200 update.

Rick you've already established the best deterrent......stay behind the leading car!!;)

28-04-2014, 01:04 PM
If you want an undetectable one, then the Bel STI Magnum is about as good as they get. If this isn't a criteria, then the Valentine One is probably marginally in front of the STI, but there isn't a lot in it.

Mike R
28-04-2014, 01:18 PM
This is just out and is probably as good as it gets:

Rick H
28-04-2014, 01:24 PM
Rick you've already established the best deterrent......stay behind the leading car!!;)

Just as well, you saw what happened when I went up front :whistle:

04-05-2014, 03:01 PM
Waze is really good for this sort of thing. If a new camera pops up chances are somebody spots and reports it before you so job done! It's an iphone app but I expect it's available for all smart devices and is free

04-05-2014, 04:37 PM
Waze is really good for this sort of thing. If a new camera pops up chances are somebody spots and reports it before you so job done! It's an iphone app but I expect it's available for all smart devices and is free

Agreed! I have been using Waze for a while and it's really good with traffic as well as speed traps.


05-05-2014, 08:25 AM
I used to run a Pogo Alert on my GTR, which also had a little box just beneath the number plate which I was told was a jammer. Not sure if that's correct or not, and I certainly wasn't worried about whether the bacon was going to give me a ticket for having it.

A couple of my mates have the Target Blu Eye and swear by it.

I never used to believe in radar detectors, but mine really saved me a few times in the GTR. Just as well - 120mph felt like 60mph in that thing.

Rick H
05-05-2014, 08:59 AM
Waze is really good for this sort of thing. If a new camera pops up chances are somebody spots and reports it before you so job done! It's an iphone app but I expect it's available for all smart devices and is free

Waze is great - but limited to areas with a decent phone signal so can be useless on the Sunday Blast. It can also be a bit on the optimistic side with journey travel times during rush hour. Those issues aside, it's still a must-have app.

07-05-2014, 09:24 PM
A couple of my mates have the Target Blu Eye and swear by it.

Any ideas of cost / where to buy from please?
