View Full Version : CSL Front Splitters

18-08-2009, 10:32 AM
A pair of front splitters off my '04 car.
I've just had the front bumper painted on the car and took the opportunity to replace the front splitters at the same time.

The car has done 54K miles and thus the pair I've removed off the car are stonechipped and ripe for refurbishment :thumbs:


Very slight scuffs to the underneath, but the faces are undamaged and all the fixing points intact.
£75 for the pair

http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/5830/redcsldrama362.th.jpg (http://img40.imageshack.us/i/redcsldrama362.jpg/)

http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/3992/redcsldrama363.th.jpg (http://img41.imageshack.us/i/redcsldrama363.jpg/)

18-08-2009, 10:57 AM
If you are willing to send them abroad then let me know as I'm interested.

18-08-2009, 08:54 PM
I'll let you know what the carriage cost will be. They're not heavy so shouldn't be expensive to send them over to you !

Mark CSL
18-08-2009, 08:57 PM
you have a PM :thumbs:

18-08-2009, 11:04 PM
I'll let you know what the carriage cost will be. They're not heavy so shouldn't be expensive to send them over to you !

OK if possible if you could send them to France that would be great as Im currently there. I need some as mine are cracked.

Thanks again.