View Full Version : Stinkin' Badgers

26-07-2009, 02:58 PM
A big thumbs up to Jez and his bunch at Pace Ward and also to Nick at AMI Ventureshield! Why you ask? Combine the two above with the title and a poor CSL!

Yes, on the way back from Hyde Park's O2 Concert, a large badger decided to hoof it's way across one carriageway without event and then run into me as I headed up north from J15 of the M4. As it was dark I was doing just under 70 and saw him at the very last moment in the headlights as he travelled (my) right to left. WACK!

He hit somewhere between the centre and the driver's side splitter and then went under the car. Lots of nasty noises meant I pulled of the road immediately and called for BMW Assistance to get it to Wellsway. Jez's team are onto it and I think the ventureshield stopped the damage being worse than it is.

From the towing eye across left is all knackered but held together with the venture shield. The bare carbonfibre broke in half but held!


How long do we think it takes to get hold of a bumper?


The staggering thing is that my wife hit a badger only 3 days before (Suzuki Swift) but lucky for Jez, insured via A-Plan! They can't be many of the buggers left around here!

26-07-2009, 03:28 PM
shocker Nords !

Hope it gets wells soon chap..not sure on bumper replacement time

If you dont mind my asking, - how much did it cost to Ventureshield front end ? This is something I need to sort urgently.


26-07-2009, 03:32 PM
Oh nasty:bigcry:I take it badger is no more..

26-07-2009, 04:48 PM
Badger is a confirmed kill!

My CSL was done before I bought it and it is fantastic. I looked at the BM in George White's (S333 CSL) and the front was in tatters. The ventureshield on mine is perfect, stops stone chips and you can hardly see it.

Previous owner runs AMI (Nick Phelps) and have a look here for contact details (and recommendations)...


Mine is a full coverage (rear arches, roof, complete front etc). Nick said it would have been something like £1600 for the job on mine (old his!)

26-07-2009, 05:42 PM
:bigcry: woo nasty not the badger of course :)

26-07-2009, 07:34 PM
there is a bumper on ebay at the mo £1250

26-07-2009, 08:02 PM

26-07-2009, 08:19 PM
there is a bumper on ebay at the mo £1250

Do you have a link Dave, I can't see it (less replica ones from Hong Kong).

26-07-2009, 08:39 PM
Bad news Nords......

I seem to remember that someone on here waited 6 months+ last year for a replacement front bumper from BMW....

Thay seem to wait for x amount of orders before they do a build run. So in theory you might be OK.

26-07-2009, 08:46 PM
Bad news Nords......

I seem to remember that someone on here waited 6 months+ last year for a replacement front bumper from BMW....

Thay seem to wait for x amount of orders before they do a build run. So in theory you might be OK.

Yep takes a very long time to get one from BMW.....

26-07-2009, 08:49 PM
Eeeeek! I might have the 318 Diesel for longer than I expected! :bigcry:

26-07-2009, 08:58 PM
Took about 4 months to get my replacement new bumper - though that was down to a tooling issue at BMW so I would hope they could turn them around faster now.


30-07-2009, 12:37 AM
Gawd, the 318 is so boring! Just gathers pace, drinks at 41 mpg and makes no noise!

30-07-2009, 12:45 AM
think it is sold now mate sorry

30-07-2009, 01:34 AM
Believe it or not mate, don't know if you're interested, but that will fix. Check this out...

My bumper before/after repair (http://www.cslregister.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1383&highlight=bumper)

Its perfect now, got my new splitter waiting for me at home now too!

01-08-2009, 12:15 AM
As it is insured with a £500 excess, I'm going to have a new one and ask for the old one!