View Full Version : Had a head on crash and rolled the car!!

Steve Gill
24-04-2009, 02:01 PM
Luckily not the CSL, but my daily driver the 118d.

I was approaching a corner (left hand corner) on the A70 near Tarbrax and looking across the fields through the corner I could see an escort flying, i mean flying, and i remember thinking thats way too fast, then he came round the corner, lost the back end and came onto my side of the road.

Hit me somewhere on the front, my car rolled (other cars said it went flying into the air) but landed upright - his car landed on its roof and he was lucky to get out. My airbags saved me any major injury whereas he had a broken leg. if he'd had a passenger they'd be dead, thankfully no serious injuiries in this RTA.

Just back home after getting the all clear from the hospital. Thank feck for German engineering and airbags!!!

Be safe people, there was nothing I could do to avoid this one :banghead:



24-04-2009, 02:09 PM
My god that's horrific - one of those things you can do nothing about. It's such a result that no one was seriously injured.
Glad you're ok, all the best Elliot.

24-04-2009, 02:17 PM
Blimey!!! :(

Glad you are ok tho! Must have well shaken you up!! Awful and sorry to hear that! (Glad it wasn't your CSL)

I seem to be reading a lot about head on collisions recently. Its not good as if someone is on your side of the road, there isn't a lot you can do.

24-04-2009, 02:24 PM
Really sorry to hear that but glad you are ok. I had a similar experience but probably at slower speed ... the person who hit me was asleep at the wheel.

It's left me with the tendancy to get very vocal when people on country lanes are on my side of the road around corners.

Trust your bruises go quickly and you have no long lasting affects. Do make sure any pains are monitored by the Drs for some time afterwards ... apparently I could need new knees in the future as a result of the internal trauma.

Look after yourself.


24-04-2009, 02:31 PM

Glad you and your passenger are ok Steve, what an absolute fucktard that other guy was :banghead:

So you were driving towards us in the second picture? And he was coming towards you in the first picture? Coming over the brow of a hill (albeit slight) will of probably made his steering light.

As mentioned keep a note and report all aches and pains including psychological to your doctor!


24-04-2009, 02:36 PM
Whoa! :smt103

Glad to hear you're alright. :thumbs:

Thank goodness it wasn't the CSL! :beer:

Steve Gill
24-04-2009, 02:44 PM
I was driving in the direction the camera is facing in the first picture, up the hill. My car ended up facing the wrong way. He came round that corner, it looks small in the pic but believe me its a tight corner that needs respect.

I hadn't even reached the corner :bigcry:

p.s. 5 mins from home after having been in Manchester that day!

24-04-2009, 02:55 PM
As mentioned before Stevie, glad to hear you are ok. :beer:

You having to use the CSL to go work now??? Imagine turning up at the office in that? Roll cage and everything, you coming out with your suit on. If it cleaned up ok? :thumbs:

24-04-2009, 03:14 PM
That looks nasty. Glad you are ok though!

Good to see the 118d held up well as I have one almost the same!

24-04-2009, 04:27 PM
So glad you are ok mate and glad it wasn't the CSL.

Hope you get a satisfactory payout!

24-04-2009, 04:57 PM
Dude, I've just been reading on the 'other' forum about the uninsured driver part!!! Thats' fcuking disgusting btw.

Funny, without tarring everyone who drives an Escort with the same brush but when you mentioned it was an Escort and a young driver that hit you at speed, alarm bells started ringing. I know that's very stereotypical of me but hey.

Hope its insured through other means. Isn't there a clause in your policy about uninsured drivers? A mate of mine was hit by a stolen car in Falkirk a couple of years ago and got paid out by some kind of consortium of insurers type deal...could be an option open to you.

Good luck either way,

Oh aye, enjoy tomorrow ya jammy bas!

Mark CSL
24-04-2009, 05:02 PM
Steve that looks like you had some crash.
It was lucky for the boy you were not in the CSL or he would have had 2 broken legs :whistle:

Good to here you are fine see you tomorrow at knockhill :thumbs:
I hope it does not slow you down too much round the track :hahaha:

Steve Gill
24-04-2009, 06:11 PM
Dude, I've just been reading on the 'other' forum about the uninsured driver part!!! Thats' fcuking disgusting btw.

Funny, without tarring everyone who drives an Escort with the same brush but when you mentioned it was an Escort and a young driver that hit you at speed, alarm bells started ringing. I know that's very stereotypical of me but hey.

Hope its insured through other means. Isn't there a clause in your policy about uninsured drivers? A mate of mine was hit by a stolen car in Falkirk a couple of years ago and got paid out by some kind of consortium of insurers type deal...could be an option open to you.

Good luck either way,

Oh aye, enjoy tomorrow ya jammy bas!
Hi Baz

Yip my insurance company confirmed that's what'll happen. Just waiting to find out from his Dad if the car is covered in some other way, if not I presume he'll be done for Dangerous driving and being uninsured?

24-04-2009, 07:55 PM
That's a tough break Steve, glad your ok though.
Slightly ironic that you spend 6months of the year driving on the most dangerous piece of Tarmac on earth to have some twat smack into you at home !:banghead:

24-04-2009, 09:59 PM
Glad your ok mate:beer:

24-04-2009, 11:01 PM
Glad you're ok mate - that's all that really matters in the end :thumbs:

24-04-2009, 11:44 PM
glad you are ok steve looked a big shunt

25-04-2009, 06:01 AM
Bloody hell Steve that looks nasty..really glad you are OK and no serious injury....

25-04-2009, 09:08 AM
You are a lucky man Steve .... now go out and buy a Lottery ticket !!!

Glad to hear you are okay though and that it wasn't the CSL.

25-04-2009, 06:18 PM
That was lucky, good to hear your OK. Does the 118 have a rollcage :hahaha:

Im sure if that twat had hit you in the CSL, he'd have more than just a broken leg... :smt071

25-04-2009, 10:00 PM
Wow! Glad you are ok, thats incredibly unlucky.

I'm sure the kid is very 'sorry' especially as he harmed himself, but frankly he had no respect for your life, so hope he does time!

Steve Gill
26-04-2009, 12:21 AM
OK so I spoke to the Police tonight. The good news is he is insured, the bad news for him is he only had the car 2 weeks. Worse for him is that he has a broken pelvis :shock:

They're charging him with Dangerous driving. Whilst I feel sorry for his injuries and thankful to my well built car for saving my life, the police were agreeing with me tonight that my car could have been a young family with kids in the back, in a lesser car they might not have survived. He endangered lives in a way I've never, ever, EVER witnessed driving as reckless as that before.

26-04-2009, 12:43 AM
That's a bit of good news at least. He's insured. He obviously wasn't use to the POWER of the Ford'y after only having it 2 weeks!

While there is a wee part of me that feels sorry for the guy, he is human and I can only imagine a broken pelvis is kinda sore but as the police said, it could have been a family car, or an older couple or something.

26-04-2009, 06:52 AM
Sometimes we all forget the dangers of the road when pushing on...When you hear of things like this its a bit sobering....If it was my family in the car he would have had more then a broken pelvis to worry about.

2bar boost
27-04-2009, 07:27 PM
As a recovery technician we deal with scenes like this on a daily basis, I have seen cars with less damage that have been involved in fatals.. As echoed very lucky outcome and that includes the other driver with a broken pelvis.

27-04-2009, 07:57 PM
:eeek: as others have said, not good but a least your OK and the other guys not too bad. It does make you think twice when you see something like this as I'm sure we've all pushed on harder than we should at times.

28-04-2009, 12:18 PM
Steve, that is a big one! Very glad to hear you came through that OK and the other guy was insured. I here some frightening stats on the percentage of uninsured drivers these days. Important thing is no-one lost their life. Have to admit, when I saw the title of the thread my heart sank thinking your CSL was involved.

Hope everything is sorted for you soon.