View Full Version : Replace hazard switch - remove centre console?

29-12-2023, 08:11 AM
My mirror leaked and I got a secondary splash on the hazard switch fortunately. What is the best way to replace it, I can't quite reach it with the console in place, so I guess I need to remove the console.

Do the rear plugs just lift straight up and is it just the two phillips screws behind the gear lever holding it in place?

01-01-2024, 06:50 PM
I removed the 2 screws on the front, below the SMG trim.
From there, I managed to push the hazard button out.
Hope this helps.

01-01-2024, 08:29 PM
I removed the 2 screws on the front, below the SMG trim.
From there, I managed to push the hazard button out.
Hope this helps.

Thanks, I will see how I go with that. Did you manage to just push the switch out or did the surround come out too

05-01-2024, 09:44 AM
Thanks, I will see how I go with that. Did you manage to just push the switch out or did the surround come out too

If I remember correctly, the surround was also part of the button, but I'm not sure.

21-01-2024, 12:29 AM
So in the end I ended up removing the two screws behind the gear lever, then lifting up the handbrake lever boot and folding it back on itself. Then I could get my finger to the back of the blanking plug behind the hand brake lever and push it out.

I could only barely reach the edge of the back of the plug on the passenger side with my finger but eventually got it to pop with the help of carefully putting my fingernails underneath the plug from the outside. Then I removed the two phillips screws these plugs were hiding.
This allowed be to slide the console back and lift it up to push out the switch.

Word of warning though, the centre console thickness felt like tissue paper and I was worried I would break it, so be careful especially not to chip the clear on the edges of holes.