View Full Version : Rear windshield replacement

05-04-2023, 04:29 PM
Hi everyone,

Vincent, who bought my CSL some time ago now is looking to change the rear windshield because the coper lines are not fonctionnal anymore and the fog cannot be removed.

I think we do have 2 options :

1- Find an OEM replacement part. But it seems that reference is now discontinued from BMW.

2 - Find someone to refurbish the copper lines. So far I did not find any adress for this kind of job.

Does anyone already faced this issue ? Do you have some goods advises ?



10-04-2023, 12:17 PM
Unfortunately I think the only option now is to fit the rear screen from a regular E46 M3 :(
High probability of damage to the glass when removing as well which a shame.

11-04-2023, 11:46 AM
Unfortunately I think the only option now is to fit the rear screen from a regular E46 M3 :(
High probability of damage to the glass when removing as well which a shame.

OK, thanks a lot. I will try to find another solution with a 3M conductive paste who can be applyed by a professional :wink:

danny martin
11-05-2023, 04:30 PM
just ordered one from bmw there made to order now apparently

12-05-2023, 12:58 PM
Thanks for this info. I will check it

12-05-2023, 02:16 PM
just ordered one from bmw there made to order now apparently

Please, can you confirm the part number reference ? After a call here in France to a BMW dealer it stil confirms that reference is not orderable and neither in stock or make to order.

danny martin
12-05-2023, 02:29 PM
not sure on part number my dealer had to send a message to bmw and they came back saying it was available
ill let you know when it arrives ive been told its csl specific and made to order