View Full Version : Postings images

21-07-2018, 10:46 AM
For some reason don’t seem to be able to attach images to a post has something changed.... or can somebody explain again how to do this directly from my iPhone as I’ve always done ?????:whistle:

21-07-2018, 03:33 PM
What issue exactly do you have? Remember that there are rather strict filesize limits for uploading. (Jpg Image max. 97.7kb, which is next to nothing)

I'd say its best practice to upload using a third party image hoster and then link to it from here using the "Insert Image" Button.

21-07-2018, 05:20 PM
Hi Julian it just say’s. This is not a valid image file. ..... Tried posting just the same way as I’ve done it the past :banghead:

22-07-2018, 07:36 PM
Hi Julian it just say’s. This is not a valid image file. ..... Tried posting just the same way as I’ve done it the past :banghead:

Bass same prob direct from iPhone with iPhone Live Photo’s. Via PC and smaller files was ok.

27-07-2018, 09:01 AM
For some reason don’t seem to be able to attach images to a post has something changed.... or can somebody explain again how to do this directly from my iPhone as I’ve always done ?????:whistle:

Anybody, or is it not possible to do this directly from iPhone now,:whistle: ????