View Full Version : Splash plate/front brakes-disc cover removal

28-10-2016, 03:49 PM
Just a quick one to ask if removal and replacement of this is an easy/moderate/difficult DiY task. My daughter's boyfriend's M3 had a rusty splash plate that was making a noise. His mate cut it off and now he wants it replaced with a new one.

I said I would do it for him if he likes. So does anyone know if you just have to remove the caliper and disc or does the hub need to come off too???

This is the same guy that had the petrol smell which looks as if it may have been the fact that he has straight through exhaust pipes and no lambda sensors. Since which has been picked up on a MoT. I will update the original post on that for information.

Any help appreciated.


28-10-2016, 04:44 PM
You can slice the new ones and bend them to get them on or else it's hub off. This (the hub off) is the best way imo.