View Full Version : Error codes - What does it all mean?

17-06-2015, 10:45 PM
So on the way to Le Mans my dash lit up like a christmas tree. You can read my cry for advice here.


It looked like this.

http://i568.photobucket.com/albums/ss125/GregorFuk/56579BE5-5793-4CC9-9BC4-21610AC3EED9_zps6l30mczk.jpg (http://s568.photobucket.com/user/GregorFuk/media/56579BE5-5793-4CC9-9BC4-21610AC3EED9_zps6l30mczk.jpg.html)

On the way back from Le Mans, and perhaps coincidentally, as ambient temps dropped my DSC and Brake warning light went off and stayed off all the way back to Aberdeen. My engine warning light however, that stayed on.

Do I ordered myself up a cable and diagnostic software and have ran the error codes. Can anybody assist on what the below is telling me?


http://i568.photobucket.com/albums/ss125/GregorFuk/CSL%20Errors%202_zpsk60kc2rn.jpg (http://s568.photobucket.com/user/GregorFuk/media/CSL%20Errors%202_zpsk60kc2rn.jpg.html)

And from DIS/GT1

http://i568.photobucket.com/albums/ss125/GregorFuk/CSL%20Errors_zpsho3rhwha.jpg (http://s568.photobucket.com/user/GregorFuk/media/CSL%20Errors_zpsho3rhwha.jpg.html)

I'm guessing the engine warning light is associated with the lambda sensor issues on cylinders 4-6 but if I understand what the error frequency figure is telling me, it's happened just the once, so it might have been a rouge reading. Is that wrong headed? Let me know what you think.

I guess the DSC issues were related to the pressure sensor. Strange that the issue has disappeared never to return now I'm back in sub 20degC conditions. Thoughts?

18-06-2015, 12:51 AM
fucked mate....sell it cheap quick!

18-06-2015, 01:27 AM
Are you running stock CSL cats ? or something aftermarket ? My Supersprint 100 cell cats use to trip the EML (orange engine) light, form time to time.
It's nothing serious.

As for DSC... it's probably a dry connection on the sensor itself. I had the same... it came on one day, fault logged as pressure sensor (one of the two) unplugged both sensors, cleaned with electrical cleaning solution, dried and reconnected. Cleared all the codes and it's been 100% OK ever since (2012) :smokin:

18-06-2015, 11:17 AM
Stock CATs, Car is standard bar having the flap removed. The exhaust may have a bit of a blow at the back box clamps but that's too far downstream of the cats to effect anything surely?

I've cleared the faults, will see what comes back.

18-06-2015, 03:47 PM
I'm kind of answering my own question here but this post is proving interesting.


18-06-2015, 06:20 PM
The wheel sensor will come back on if you drop it a gear and boot it, mines just started doing it, on then off, then on. I will get it sorted but it's no big drama.

You might just want to give the O2 sensors a clean but they can be a twat to get out.