View Full Version : Indoor Car Cover

24-03-2015, 11:56 AM
I am about to place an order for an indoor car cover from classicadditions.

It will be for the bespoke soft indoor cover, with M stripes, a bit like the below (from Alx). Core group buy price is 292 incl delivery in the UK, a bit more postage for rest of europe depending on loc. Normal price would be 330. Apparently a bloke who works there has a CSL, so should be a good fit.

PM if interested. On post #13 is a list of those who are interested, and what specs they would prefer.

Please see classic additions website (https://www.classicadditions.com/car-covers/indoor-car-covers/custom-made-covers.html)for general info - its the custom soft indoor cover

Material: Quoting their website, the material is "Thick cotton acrylic with a soft fleecy inner, fully breathable, very soft "

We do not all have to have the same cover, they can be customised to some extent, and I am happy to organise that:
1) You do not have to have stripes (I just thought they looked good on alex's cover, so I'm prob gonna get them)
2) Main color can be whatever you want (most will want dark grey or black)
3) Patches of the cover can be different colors - see website
4) Piping can be added
5) Logos can be added for additional cost.
- Std logos are 15 per logo (theses include BMW, ///M etc, Text).
- Custom logos are 15 per logo + a one off 30 creation fee. Custom logos are things the company have not done before, e.g., CSL door sill plate logo. The 30 creation fee can be shared amongst those who use the logo.

I will do my best to negotiate the core price as low as possible (est 292, but may go down depending on numbers).
I will do my best to ensure that those who want plain and simple are not paying for the schnick schnack
I will contact everyone an an individual basis before sending the order off, so there is time to change your mind on final config. Please just say if you are interested sooner rather than later, and roughly what you want so I can get initial numbers together.

I am proposing a group buy not so much to save money, but more thinking that there will be quality in numbers.

24-03-2015, 01:13 PM
I definitely want but different design

Grey with BMW front logo

Is it worth group booking?

24-03-2015, 03:05 PM
I guess we can let the thread run a few days then see what sort of numbers we get. I will have to confirm, but I think the discount was based on 5 orders, so perhaps they'll do a bit more if we get more.

29-03-2015, 09:19 PM
I've been discussing with Hamilton Classics about a black indoor cover with white piping around the relevant edging, a BMW logo central on the front and proper CSL logo on the wings. £335.
Of course in their best quality indoor soft material.

29-03-2015, 09:52 PM
I've been discussing with Hamilton Classics about a black indoor cover with white piping around the relevant edging, a BMW logo central on the front and proper CSL logo on the wings. £335.
Of course in their best quality indoor soft material.

Wow similar to what I'd want

Def BMW roundel on front and CSL on sides or back . Was thinking about a faster grey colour though!

30-03-2015, 08:54 AM
I am about to place an order for an indoor car cover from classicadditions.

It will be for the bespoke soft indoor cover, with M stripes, a bit like the below (from Alx). Group buy price is 292 incl delivery in the UK, a bit more postage for rest of europe depending on loc. Normal price would be 330. Apparently a bloke who works there has a CSL, so should be a good fit.

PM if interested. Would like to place the order within a fortnight.

Count me as a yes for one of these.

30-03-2015, 08:55 AM
Count me as a yes for one of these.

Ditto, black sounds good.

30-03-2015, 12:32 PM
Definitely count me in - Cheers !

04-06-2015, 02:01 PM
Have I missed the boat on this group buy?

04-06-2015, 06:12 PM
Have I missed the boat on this group buy?

i still want one

04-06-2015, 06:49 PM
I would be interested in one too.

04-06-2015, 06:58 PM
I would be interested in one too.

Me too, has the train left the station?

05-06-2015, 08:17 AM
No the ship hasn't sailed. So we have the following interested:

- JBird (Black, M-Stripes up the middle, CSL Logo somewhere, Classic Additions)
- Rich - already got one!
- Shimmy (Grey, BMW roundel Front, CSL Rear (rhd side) maybe, either company)
- Pooky (Simple all black with bmw logo)
- Meistergav (Black, BMW roundel Front, CSL logo on wings or rear, either company)
- 0836whiper (Whatever everyone else is having + possibly CSL Chequered flags if that idea goes ahead)
- GregorFUK (Grey, No Stripes, BMW roundel Front, CSL logo on wings or rear, either company)
- knoxville (Nothing fancy. Black with piping/BMW M Logo and CSL underneath on the bonnet, similar to Shawn968cs pics in post 23)
- cslsuperfan (Nothing fancy. similar to pics in post 23)
- Rick H - Maybe
- pops (Plain and simple would be fine, if the general consensus is a few badges then that's also fine. Not worried on the colour).

What we need to clarify is who wants what company. Rich mentioned that he was discussing with Hamilton Classics.

I was, and still am, proposing an order from Classic Additions (see first post).

Could everyone interested, please PM me, or reply to the thread with which company you want. We might have to split the group by, and maybe Rich organises the Hamilton Classic order, an I organise the Classic Additions order. Lets see...


05-06-2015, 08:47 AM
Im happy o have either, but want logo on front (BMW) and would also like CSL badge on back if they can do it.

Not bothered about exact colour bur probably grey

Rick H
05-06-2015, 08:50 AM
I'll probably have one - can we have CSLR motifs? Our CSLR names?

05-06-2015, 09:14 AM
I'll probably have one - can we have CSLR motifs? Our CSLR names?

You can submit your own design logo, so Rick, I am guessing the answer to your question is yes, but ill confirm for sure. Normally badges cost more (for example on their website they quote 25 for a BMW logo at the front), so i'd imagine they will charge roughly that for each badge / logo, but I will confirm.

I personally don't want badges, maybe a CSL logo at the rear, but I am happy to organise what ever people want, just be aware that the price may go up (you'll still get the core discount, which is only about 30-50 quid depending on order size). Personally, I am not trying to do the group order to save money, but I think if they have to do 10 at once, quality is likely to improve.

05-06-2015, 09:40 AM
BTW, ill keep the list in post #13 up to date with what people want.

05-06-2015, 09:41 AM
My preference: Grey, BMW roundel Front, CSL logo on wings or rear, either company.


05-06-2015, 10:19 AM
My preference is much the same as above: Black, BMW roundel Front, CSL logo on wings or rear, either company.



05-06-2015, 11:19 AM
My preference: Grey, BMW roundel Front, CSL logo on wings or rear, either company.


My preference is much the same as above: Black, BMW roundel Front, CSL logo on wings or rear, either company.




non need for piping or coloured panels just

'BMW' logo Front
'CSL' Rear (rhd side) maybe)

05-06-2015, 11:35 AM

non need for piping or coloured panels just

'BMW' logo Front
'CSL' Rear (rhd side) maybe)

Shimm does 'BMW' logo front, mean the roundel, or just text 'BMW'

shawn 968cs
05-06-2015, 12:31 PM

shawn 968cs
05-06-2015, 12:33 PM
This is the one I have, pleased with it so far
Great servicehttp://i1272.photobucket.com/albums/y400/shawn968cs/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-10/1EA4CE1D-9F31-4319-A237-D7B5F70D775F_zpsdv67be4g.jpg

05-06-2015, 01:33 PM
^ Nice cover that :thumbs:

05-06-2015, 01:54 PM
To the guys that asked about logos, it will cost £15 per logo.

If you want something custom, there will be a one-off £30 charge, as they have to digitize the logo. Basic stuff like a BMW logo, BMW text, or CSL text (very close to the CSL badge font) will not incur this charge. If you want country flags & CSLR names (e.g., in rear side window position), there may or may not be a charge (£0-£15), they couldn't confirm till they make it.

As an example we could get them to knock up the CSL logo as done on the door sills with the chequered flags. This would cost one off £30 (to be divided between those who want it), then £15 per person.

Base overall color can be what ever you want. You can mix colours as shown on the classic additions website. E.g. as shown below, but I think ill be going for plain black all over.

Rick H
05-06-2015, 04:42 PM
This is the one I have, pleased with it so far
Great servicehttp://i1272.photobucket.com/albums/y400/shawn968cs/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-10/1EA4CE1D-9F31-4319-A237-D7B5F70D775F_zpsdv67be4g.jpg

That garage is weirdly tidy . . .

05-06-2015, 06:20 PM
Shimm does 'BMW' logo front, mean the roundel, or just text 'BMW'

sort of torn now between M logo or BMW Roundel logo on front and CSL back

05-06-2015, 06:21 PM
To the guys that asked about logos, it will cost £15 per logo.

If you want something custom, there will be a one-off £30 charge, as they have to digitize the logo. Basic stuff like a BMW logo, BMW text, or CSL text (very close to the CSL badge font) will not incur this charge. If you want country flags & CSLR names (e.g., in rear side window position), there may or may not be a charge (£0-£15), they couldn't confirm till they make it.

As an example we could get them to knock up the CSL logo as done on the door sills with the chequered flags. This would cost one off £30 (to be divided between those who want it), then £15 per person.

Base overall color can be what ever you want. You can mix colours as shown on the classic additions website. E.g. as shown below, but I think ill be going for plain black all over.

can you get photo of thier grey covers to check colour?

great work otherwise

05-06-2015, 07:08 PM
I just want a soft cover that fits well. Something simple like post #22/23. It's only a car cover at the end of the day.

06-06-2015, 01:00 PM
I just want a soft cover that fits well. Something simple like post #22/23. It's only a car cover at the end of the day.

I'm with you. We'll be waiting a long time if we are trying to get a consensus through the board. Someone just needs to make a final call and ask the in or out question. On that basis I think simpler is better. So I say cream with BMW roundel on the front. Perhaps CSL on the roof.

06-06-2015, 01:06 PM
I'm with you. We'll be waiting a long time if we are trying to get a consensus through the board. Someone just needs to make a final call and ask the in or out question. On that basis I think simpler is better. So I say cream with BMW roundel on the front. Perhaps CSL on the roof.


yes concensus we need

so wtf cream with CSL on roof :hahaha:

06-06-2015, 01:09 PM
i think my fav is

grey (if nice grey) or black

maybe some piping (but not bothered)

bmw roundel (front centre on bonnet)

CSL logo (rear centre vert on boot lid)

07-06-2015, 02:43 PM
Put me down for one please.

Plain and simple would be fine, if the general concensus is a few badges then that's also fine. Not worried on the colour.

07-06-2015, 03:42 PM
Garage Queens the lot of you. :blalalala:

07-06-2015, 03:46 PM
In all seriousness, will the cover on offer keep out dust/dirt. Is it made out of cotton?

The cover I have for indoors feels like thin plastic which keeps out the rubbish.

07-06-2015, 03:53 PM
In all seriousness, will the cover on offer keep out dust/dirt. Is it made out of cotton?

The cover I have for indoors feels like thin plastic which keeps out the rubbish.

Yes mate.

Have a peek at the 1st post, google the maker and it gives you all the details on
their site.

07-06-2015, 07:19 PM
Yes mate.

Have a peek at the 1st post, google the maker and it gives you all the details on
their site.


08-06-2015, 09:34 AM

yes concensus we need

so wtf cream with CSL on roof :hahaha:

Guys, there does not need to have consensus. They can all be a bit different. At the end of the day only the patches of material need to be the same size, and since we all have CSLs we have automatic consensus on that!

What color material, or where if / a logo is printed you can all decide for yourselves. The prices will be adjusted on an individual basis. Basically there will be the core price + any extra charges for logos as explained in post #25.

Of course, if we do custom logos (e.g, the CSL door sill logo with the flags) it makes sense that those who want that logo agree on how it should look, as then we can share the logo creation costs. (Those who want plain and simple don't incur the cost).

So, I am still waiting for some to ask for fluorescent pink.

The thread has become a bit long, so I will update post #1 with all the impt info.

08-06-2015, 12:09 PM
In all seriousness, will the cover on offer keep out dust/dirt. Is it made out of cotton?

The cover I have for indoors feels like thin plastic which keeps out the rubbish.

Its gonna be "thick cotton acrylic with a soft fleecy inner, fully breathable, very soft".

The group order is strictly for the above material.

08-06-2015, 09:34 PM
how about a poll with multiple answers and then take concensus and advise what is best buy

cream :)
BMW roundel (front)
CSL logo (rear)
Piping (white)

14-06-2015, 04:05 PM

My recent order.
Hamilton Classics. CSL Logo might be a little low and I think the cover was designed for a std E46 M3 as the boot isn't as snug as the rest of the car, but still very pleased.

14-06-2015, 08:26 PM
how about a poll with multiple answers and then take concensus and advise what is best buy

cream :)
BMW roundel (front)
CSL logo (rear)
Piping (white)

That could turn ugly ;) :hahaha:

15-06-2015, 06:10 PM
There will be no :gayfight: fookin poll. Everyone can have whatever they want.

Shim, I am still waiting hear back about colours. I will try to post pics of the covers in the various shades of grey / black / seamen cream etc. They do have a colour chart on the website, but it useless until you actually see them on a car.

Rich, cheers for you pic. It looks good mate, but I ain't a fan of saggy arses, so just to reiterate, this thread is for an order from classic additions, tailored to the CSLs fatter arse and flippers up front, in whatever colour or logo combinations people want.

15-06-2015, 09:25 PM
There will be no :gayfight: fookin poll. Everyone can have whatever they want.

Shim, I am still waiting hear back about colours. I will try to post pics of the covers in the various shades of grey / black / seamen cream etc. They do have a colour chart on the website, but it useless until you actually see them on a car.

Rich, cheers for you pic. It looks good mate, but I ain't a fan of saggy arses, so just to reiterate, this thread is for an order from classic additions, tailored to the CSLs fatter arse and flippers up front, in whatever colour or logo combinations people want.


21-06-2015, 03:06 PM
Ok, looks like we have 10 people who are definatly in (see post 13)

Hopefully ill have some more info about colours soon, then ill PM you all one by one to confirm price and your final design etc.

21-06-2015, 07:11 PM
ok, looks like we have 10 people who are definatly in (see post 13)

hopefully ill have some more info about colours soon, then ill pm you all one by one to confirm price and your final design etc.

hurry up


23-06-2015, 11:17 PM
Sorry, been busy sorting babies.
Thanks for getting this far and sorting a 'bespoke' group buy.
I am sure they all look good, so not fussy on any details or manufacturer (although dark grey looks good.....and maybe so piping.....)

05-08-2015, 12:03 PM
Is anything going ahead with this?

05-08-2015, 01:14 PM
Yep sorry guys, got caught up with a few other things myself. I will still push on with this. I'll contact all of those who expressed interested via PM just before the order is ready just to confirm you are still in.

Anyone else is also still welcome to join the order, and anyone who has changed their mind is free to do so.

13-09-2015, 07:42 PM
Yep sorry guys, got caught up with a few other things myself. I will still push on with this. I'll contact all of those who expressed interested via PM just before the order is ready just to confirm you are still in.

Anyone else is also still welcome to join the order, and anyone who has changed their mind is free to do so.

want now pls

gonna order mine this week if no movement on this GB

13-09-2015, 07:44 PM
Out of this now, wasn't sure it was going to happen so now sorted.

13-09-2015, 08:07 PM
Out of this now, wasn't sure it was going to happen so now sorted.

Who did you buy from, any pictures? I will probably go ahead and just order one myself also.


13-09-2015, 08:29 PM
Who did you buy from, any pictures? I will probably go ahead and just order one myself also.


Looked at how awkward it might be to get one of these covers on and off when on your own, decided it might be a bit of a faff.

Instead went to Dunelm, 2 king size flannelette sheets, 20 quid each, easy to to put on, get off.

Job done :thumbs:

Might not look as smart as a pukka cover but, it works which is the main thing. Plus easy to fire through the washing m/c.

13-09-2015, 08:41 PM
Looked at how awkward it might be to get one of these covers on and off when on your own, decided it might be a bit of a faff.

Instead went to Dunelm, 2 king size flannelette sheets, 20 quid each, easy to to put on, get off.

Job done :thumbs:

Might not look as smart as a pukka cover but, it works which is the main thing. Plus easy to fire through the washing m/c.

Pics please Brian :whistle:

13-09-2015, 08:47 PM
Pics please Brian :whistle:

Will sort some Ben.

Sheets (hobo car cover) currently whizzing about in the washer and car in Barts from Tues to Sat so will do next weekend.

13-09-2015, 10:18 PM
Will sort some Ben.

Sheets (hobo car cover) currently whizzing about in the washer and car in Barts from Tues to Sat so will do next weekend.

I'm @ Barts in a couple of weeks for new boots & an oil service post "run-in" ..Then off to the ring for some fun!!! :smokin:

16-09-2015, 11:19 AM

You can take me off the list. I just ordered a super soft stretch from Classic Additions with the M3 CSL logo.

162.84 delivered using a 10% discount code I found "FRS".


18-09-2015, 11:11 PM

You can take me off the list. I just ordered a super soft stretch from Classic Additions with the M3 CSL logo.

162.84 delivered using a 10% discount code I found "FRS".


Cheers, did you specify the CSL logo specifically ?

19-09-2015, 08:19 AM
Cheers, did you specify the CSL logo specifically ?

They just sent me an example of the normal M3CSL logo they used (470mm), I just asked them to scale it down because I felt it was far too big.

I will post a picture of the logo they sent me a little later.

19-09-2015, 08:26 AM
I will post a picture of the logo they sent me a little later.


19-09-2015, 12:24 PM


The standard size was 470 mm, i asked them to reduce that to 300 mm for mine.

http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b383/GavMac/Cover%20Logo_zpsc78wfsfo.jpg (http://s23.photobucket.com/user/GavMac/media/Cover%20Logo_zpsc78wfsfo.jpg.html)

19-09-2015, 01:05 PM
Is the m3 Csl sign in case you forget what car is under the cover ? :whistle:

19-09-2015, 01:16 PM
Is the m3 Csl sign in case you forget what car is under the cover ? :whistle:

Spot on, otherwise I forget which car is which :whistle:

18-03-2016, 05:27 PM
Finally bought my indoor cover from Hamiltons last week, due in 3 more weeks.

Not sure pink wing mirror covers will work :(

18-03-2016, 08:46 PM
Finally bought my indoor cover from Hamiltons last week, due in 3 more weeks.

Not sure pink wing mirror covers will work :(

In your case they will just be perfect.

18-03-2016, 09:00 PM
Finally bought my indoor cover from Hamiltons last week, due in 3 more weeks.

Not sure pink wing mirror covers will work :(Dont worry,they will work for you mate,no problem.:gayfight:

24-04-2016, 06:17 PM

24-04-2016, 06:29 PM

Very nice how much, my car will be in a garage by May :thumbs:

24-04-2016, 08:33 PM


I am now concerned.

Next thing you'll be 2 bucket hand washing and discussing swiss cleaning products. ;)

24-04-2016, 08:54 PM

http://i401.photobucket.com/albums/pp97/shimmylasco/ShimmyRacing/325i/IMG_8602_zpss06m5lc3.jpg (http://s401.photobucket.com/user/shimmylasco/media/ShimmyRacing/325i/IMG_8602_zpss06m5lc3.jpg.html)

24-04-2016, 10:13 PM
Auto door opener as well

how the other half live!!

09-06-2016, 03:24 PM
Bit of an update on the budget car covers also known as the flannelette sheets.

Now residing in the wheelie bin, too many bits stuck to the car on removing them so, bought one of these,

Quite impressed for the price.


20-10-2016, 02:47 PM
Arrived this morning from Classic Additions.

http://i568.photobucket.com/albums/ss125/GregorFuk/6B528DF6-544C-4B67-AB68-29EDAB197AAF_zpsu5upfl2w.jpg (http://s568.photobucket.com/user/GregorFuk/media/6B528DF6-544C-4B67-AB68-29EDAB197AAF_zpsu5upfl2w.jpg.html)

http://i568.photobucket.com/albums/ss125/GregorFuk/F424B524-2EEF-40BE-B3C3-82D1135B4382_zps0zr9kfti.jpg (http://s568.photobucket.com/user/GregorFuk/media/F424B524-2EEF-40BE-B3C3-82D1135B4382_zps0zr9kfti.jpg.html)