View Full Version : Sequential M gearbox telltale light on

02-11-2014, 11:02 PM
Hi All,
This warning light located under the tempreture gage appeared on Friday night,
I was on route to North London to a workmates leaving do and was sat in slow moving traffic for the majority of the journey there, however at this point there were no issues and I decided to carry on. When leaving and returning to the car and starting it the EML light also came on. I started to make my way back and 15 minutes into my journey I started to experience issues with the car defaulting to Neutral intermittently between gear changes and then would switch back into gear. As I went on it gradually became worse and I was having to select the shift pedals to put the car into gear. As it was late I couldn't be arsed with pulling up waiting for recovery and opted to drive the remaining 3 miles back however it got to a point where the car would not go back into gear and I had to pull up for a few minutes and start again. I made it back and had a pal plug it in the following day and the following displayed

Duty Cycle Hydraulic Unit
Additive Fuel Trim 2, Limit reached

Any information / help on the above will be appreciated as I will have to look elsewhere for the work to be completed as I am currently in dispute with my local dealer Berry BMW as I have had a bad experience after it was booked there for some work previously and would not trust them with car again.

Thank you in Advance


02-11-2014, 11:16 PM
I had the exact same problem with my mine jumping into neutral when hot and throwing the same warning lights. I replaced the motor and temperature sensor on the SMG pump and it cured the problem.

Hope you get it sorted.

03-11-2014, 12:15 AM
Always change the salmon pink relay in the e box first. Pretty much a service item!

However that fault code does look a bit more involved.

03-11-2014, 09:38 PM
I had the exact same problem with my mine jumping into neutral when hot and throwing the same warning lights. I replaced the motor and temperature sensor on the SMG pump and it cured the problem.

Hope you get it sorted.

Thanks for the reply, how much did the repair cost and was it completed by a dealer on Indepndant repairer?

03-11-2014, 09:40 PM
Always change the salmon pink relay in the e box first. Pretty much a service item!

However that fault code does look a bit more involved.

That's for the heads up I'll look to do this first, are you referring to the 1st of the two codes I've listed?

03-11-2014, 10:55 PM
Thanks for the reply, how much did the repair cost and was it completed by a dealer on Indepndant repairer?

All parts were under 250 and I did the repair myself. I also tried the salmon relay first but the old one was fine, worth replacing as monkey mentioned and carry a spare.



04-11-2014, 07:20 PM
All parts were under 250 and I did the repair myself. I also tried the salmon relay first but the old one was fine, worth replacing as monkey mentioned and carry a spare.


Ok so I gave the salmon relay a go and unfortunately no joy so I guess I'll try the repair you've completed Gavin.
Once again thanks for the information and advise, it's highly appreciated.


05-11-2014, 11:32 PM
I had a DETENS (?) spring snap. A quick replacement (holds the gears in place) and 3hrs labour IIRC sorted it out...

06-11-2014, 02:40 PM
I had a DETENS (?) spring snap. A quick replacement (holds the gears in place) and 3hrs labour IIRC sorted it out...

"detent" spring :)

07-11-2014, 10:59 AM
I had a DETENS (?) spring snap. A quick replacement (holds the gears in place) and 3hrs labour IIRC sorted it out...

Did this result with the same fault symptons and warning lights I have reported?