View Full Version : My car is . . . different . . .

Rick H
10-09-2014, 01:11 PM
After my last Oulton day, where it was driven with the wild abandon befitting of its creators wishes . . .

There is clutch slurrrrr, although not much, and that huge, invisible bowling ball that resided in my boot seems to have rolled off - the SMG clunk has diminished to a much less intrusive level.

What's happened here? Is this a good thing?

I haven't cleared adaptions after the track work - in case the ball returns - but if the slur (and seemingly slower changes in S5 although that could be purely my perception) is a bad thing, should I clear them?

10-09-2014, 01:26 PM
bowling ball is the top mount isn't it?

slur will come back unless it totally clears

may be a post too soon! :smokin:

Rick H
10-09-2014, 01:44 PM
bowling ball is the top mount isn't it?

slur will come back unless it totally clears

may be a post too soon! :smokin:

Cheers Shim

A slight but noticeably slur has appeared rather than disappeared.

The gearshifts had a hell of a clunk in S5, hence bowling ball, but that seems to have cleared since the TD, I'm guessing it's due to adaption. There is still a ripple of noise through the back but not the thud.

What do you mean by top mounts - the rear suspension tops? Are they the source of a thud in gear shift?

11-09-2014, 12:33 AM
The thud has disappeared because of the slur, the slur is clutch slip (to an extent), this gives a smoother feeling gear change.