View Full Version : Missing Gears

26-07-2014, 02:07 PM
Ok, so I'm trying to find the right solution to a problem I'm encountering, which I'm guessing (hoping) you've experienced before...

I've had a warning light appear (a yellow cog) on the dash. Manual says simply visit a BMW garage to investigate.

The problem manifested itself following a spirited B-road blast, and a number of gears started disappearing, i.e. gears 3 and 5 would select, but 4 didn't wanna know. This got worse as I nursed the car home, and I was left with 1 and 5 (+ R).

Some research I've seen says replacing the salmon relay can cure the ills.

Did this today, and seemed ok for a while, but the problem has returned again, with gears 3 and 4 gone by by.

Any comments (other than you've bought a pup) welcomed...

Trip to a dealer/specialist for some diagnostics? GB FUBAR'd ? Electronc gremlins that just need clearing through the diagnostics?



26-07-2014, 06:38 PM
Just found this over on Cutters:

Cog light and no apparent fault/occasional knocking into neutral = fluid temp (probably)
Solution = resistor mod, or new temp sensor (Warning - can be an early sign of pump failure)

Trouble/delay selecting gears = ident springs
Solution = drop gearbox, replace springs (springs are cheap...labour and adaptation less so)

Trouble shifting/4th gear adaptation error = SMG 'knuckle'. It's the linkage that allows a manual stick movement side-to-side
Solution = grease/replace linkage (exhaust off, but can be done with gearbox in situ)

Seemingly random gear selection issues (see previous posts)
Solution = replace GPS

No gear selection/knocking out of gear = fluid pressure loss
Solution = could be the salmon relay supplying power to the pump...if not, it's a dead pump (motor) or accumulator leak (available separately, but not worth fitting to an old pump)

So diagnostics first and see what happens, but sounds like the GPS/knuckle... the pump sounds fine when unlocking the car.

26-07-2014, 06:57 PM
Mine started missing/delaying 3rd& 4th, yellow cog light on & would then loose all drive.
If I turned the car off for a few minutes & restarted, it sometimes started working normally again.

Mine was the gear position sensor, I had that changed & no issues since.

27-07-2014, 10:52 PM
If you are getting a graunching or inability to select between third and fourth, coupled with a yellow cog light, it's a not uncommon issue. For me, it happened relatively infrequently, but then the car would go through periods of experiencing the problem.

There is a thread on here somewhere about it. Elms tried several times to resolve it for me under warranty and ultimately ended up replacing the gearbox.

27-07-2014, 10:55 PM
If you are getting a graunching or inability to select between third and fourth, coupled with a yellow cog light, it's a not uncommon issue. For me, it happened relatively infrequently, but then the car would go through periods of experiencing the problem.

There is a thread on here somewhere about it. Elms tried several times to resolve it for me under warranty and ultimately ended up replacing the gearbox.

No grunching. Simply changing from 2nd to 5th folloeing a delaye of a couple of seconds, for example. Dropping it off at an Indie this week for a check up.

28-07-2014, 09:19 AM
Im sure its a new gearbox needed, make sure you take warranty out.

28-07-2014, 09:33 AM
Im sure its a new gearbox needed, make sure you take warranty out.

Thanks for the encouraging start to the week...

Mark CSL
28-07-2014, 09:55 AM
pump failure

Had this happen on my car you could try a gearbox relearn if you have the bmw cable it takes around 10min to do it will also tell you why it missed the gears but it does sound like the pump letting go

28-07-2014, 05:46 PM
Thanks for the encouraging start to the week...

As Mark says go for a pump first.......if you have warranty it's a freebie.....if you haven't then reinstate your warranty and sit tight for 31 days then take your car in for a claim:thumbs:

28-07-2014, 05:54 PM
I've got an invoice for the fitting of a new SMG pump, if you want a scare!

28-07-2014, 06:41 PM
I've got an invoice for the fitting of a new SMG pump, if you want a scare!

Maybe PM me!

Are warranties still available? The car's aren't too old now?

28-07-2014, 07:00 PM
Where are you based?

Could be as simple as a broken compression spring in the gearbox - circa £2 each or a faulty Gear Positioning Sensor - circa £250.

A quick scan would give a better idea of the problem.

28-07-2014, 07:06 PM
Where are you based?

Could be as simple as a broken compression spring in the gearbox - circa £2 each or a faulty Gear Positioning Sensor - circa £250.

A quick scan would give a better idea of the problem.

In Kent (nr Faversham/Canterbury).

Hopefully at the garage on Wednesday for a check up.

28-07-2014, 07:34 PM
I had similar faults on and off then seemed to get worst
Ended up with a new box on warranty, I can pm you the cost of
That if you want an even bigger scare.
Hopefully it's just the pump as this is a common fault but still a pricey one.

30-07-2014, 08:36 PM
All sorted... :smokin:

Had fault code P1756 and needed a new Detent spring, which had snapped.


30-07-2014, 09:01 PM
All sorted... :smokin:

Had fault code P1756 and needed a new Detent spring, which had snapped.


Glad it's all sorted and didn't cost to much.

30-07-2014, 09:14 PM
All sorted... :smokin:

Had fault code P1756 and needed a new Detent spring, which had snapped.


Hurrah! :smokin:

Always a relief when it's something cheap, rather than all the expensive things you worry it could be :)

30-07-2014, 09:20 PM

Couple of hours labour was all really... So could have been a lot worse...


31-07-2014, 10:29 AM
Good to hear Carl, I was absolutely mortified the car gave you troubles so soon after buying it. Enjoy it mate :thumbs:

31-07-2014, 11:11 AM
Good to hear Carl, I was absolutely mortified the car gave you troubles so soon after buying it. Enjoy it mate :thumbs:

All good. :beer: