View Full Version : how hard is it to change the starter motor

17-07-2014, 07:24 AM
starter motor gave up on sunday ,just wondering if its an easy job or best left to a indy to do it , does the air box have to be removed to do it or can it be done from underneath
wheres the best place to get a replacement motor from prefer the west midlands area

17-07-2014, 10:36 AM
Had mine replaced not long ago. Air box need to be removed, could not remove from below. My indie done it, was perfect. If you are ok in removing the throttle body clamps, you could diy, but otherwise get a pro to do it with the right tools. Hope this helps.

17-07-2014, 07:32 PM
stealers want £415 for a starter

found out the starters are made by Valeo, recently just purchased one from here and will hopefully be fitting this weekend at the price of £150, great service too


plenty how to guides online, does look to be a pain in the arse though

17-07-2014, 09:14 PM
Hopefully a little quicker than a dealers in Rural southern France that had never seen a CSL before but had heard of them, when mine gave up 2 years ago..to diagnose (after I diagnosed) and then replace 1 x week..

18-07-2014, 09:03 AM
in fact the weather is good so going to change my starter today - will take a few snaps along the way for you

not a CSL but has a GSR csl rep airbox fitted so much the same procedure :beer:

18-07-2014, 11:05 AM
Thanks that will help me out a lo

18-07-2014, 05:13 PM
you can also order from Pelican parts. They supplied to me the Valeo one and the price was very good shipped.