View Full Version : MOT Help

12-04-2014, 10:20 AM
I have found my self in the tricky situation of being based in Germany while my MOT is due. I don't want to / can't get to the UK for the sake of renewing it.

If I am unable to renew it, i'll have to put German plates on and get a TUV (the German MOT - well sort of). Aside from the cost, this has the flow on effect of having to switch insurance companies (with UK based Classicline atm) and I would loose the BMW warranty (a strictly UK-plate product). This is the main crux of the situation, I want to keep the warranty as it's been useful, and I think future custodians will want it.

Here comes the possibly dodgy question. Does anyone know how I can get a UK MOT in Germany? UK military bases can do them, but only for direct family, which I am not. I am thinking along the lines of a UK mechanic based in Germany, someone at a UK military base who can pull a swifty, or a 'compliant' UK mechanic.

Any help greatly appreciated. Cheers!

Neil M
12-04-2014, 10:57 AM
I'm sure you said you had a cousin in the forces based in Germany, if not perhaps you should adopt one!:thumbs:

13-04-2014, 12:39 PM
I thought that since the TUV was more strict, I could get one of thoes and then find a UK mechanic prepared to issue an MOT on the basis of the TuV. Don't like my chances though!