View Full Version : Real M Cars

Neil M
02-03-2014, 01:01 PM
Sorry Boys the title should read "Real M Cars"

Would anyone like to leave a comment?

I thought this might be appropriate given the recent comments on PistonHeads and elsewhere, as to what constitutes a real 'M' car.
With the article being US, the CSL is conspicuous by it's absence. The E9 is featured but that's actually pre 'M' similarly the 2002 Turbo doesn't feature.

03-05-2014, 10:36 AM
Good read. Got to agree with much of what's said.

It's easy to look at a car or any other mechanical device in hindsight and say "they don't make them like they used to". M cars from 10-20 years ago were made for the market then and with the best tech available at the time. I'm sure if they had the tech available they would have piled on the pounds 10 years ago but they didn't. We're also at a point where development in production cars are turning a corner and more R&D is going into lighter weight/efficiency rather than more power.

I remember when my old man bought a new E46 M3 to use for commuting and was moaning about how noisy it was compared to his old Merc after a few months use. From what I can see new M cars aren't bought exclusively by driving enthusiasts but by people who want the best in the range, how many driving enthusiasts would spend 70k on a new M car over a 2 year old Porker etc?

03-05-2014, 10:53 AM
BMW are moving in on what was always Alpina's territory these days from what I can see

04-05-2014, 12:32 PM
BMW are moving in on what was always Alpina's territory these days from what I can see

The two have a very good working relationship.

04-05-2014, 08:05 PM
I am not sure why now people are so negative, BMW is doing a great job.
My observations are:

1. Simple BMWs are more sportive than ever. They listened to the customers' requests and they are fullfilling them.
You can get big brakes, sport intakes, exhausts, aero kits etc.
That was a dream up to the middle of the E46 production when they did the first attempts with the BMW performance parts.

2. M cars are better than the previous E92/E60 generation.
Ok, they might not have the NA engines (that lacked torque on both E92/E60 which was never the case in the past E46/E39/E36/E34/E28, M3 E30 excluded which has no torque...), but who drove a new M turbo engine and did not love it ?
It might not have the character of the CSL engine, but who needs this is in a non-hardcore and non track-focused M car ?
The engine response of the S63N is simply phenomenal for a turbo engine.
Drive another turbo car (i.e. porsche turbo) and compare them !
The power is also phenomenal, last month I smoked a 458 in Germany. You can't believe the face of the guy being overtaken at 280km/h by a limousine !
The M cars now have proper brakes. You can also have CCB brakes.
You can also have original BMW aftermarket parts !!! Exhausts, brakes, suspension etc.

3. They still make amazing race cars, probably better than ever.
The Z4 GT3 is just phenomenal.
The M235i racing is such an exciting and affordable race car.

I used to say the same when I read about the M5 F10, that is silly, useless, pointless bla-bla.
Then I drove one and fell in love with it.
I want to drive my CSL only on track and the M5 everywhere else !
In fact I don't want to get out of it.

I think the new M3/M4 will be very good cars and I am looking forward to the M4 to beat the M3 CSL time at the Ring, because the previous attempt with the M3 GTS was a fecking joke.

04-05-2014, 08:52 PM
I think the new M3/M4 will be very good cars and I am looking forward to the M4 to beat the M3 CSL time at the Ring, because the previous attempt with the M3 GTS was a fecking joke.

Agree - the GTS is too heavy.

The M3/4 turbo charge tune ability will scare GT3's at the 'Ring

04-05-2014, 11:13 PM
I think the new M3/M4 will be very good cars and I am looking forward to the M4 to beat the M3 CSL time at the Ring, because the previous attempt with the M3 GTS was a fecking joke.

Alex, you obviously know your onions but lay off the GTS!! If the M4 doesn't beat the csl's ring time then the BMW M tech boffins should all be fired

15 years of technological progress is sadly now working against our great thoroughbred.

13-06-2014, 01:24 PM
I think the new M3/M4 will be very good cars and I am looking forward to the M4 to beat the M3 CSL time at the Ring, because the previous attempt with the M3 GTS was a fecking joke.

I was looking forward to this, but it did not happen.
SportAuto has the new M4 in supertest and the laptime is 7:52

Although it is impressive compared to the E92 M3 but still disappointing compared to the M3 CSL.
11 years later, the CSL is still faster in OEM format.

Keep in mind the 991 s is doing 7.38...

13-06-2014, 02:17 PM
I was looking forward to this, but it did not happen.
SportAuto has the new M4 in supertest and the laptime is 7:52

Although it is impressive compared to the E92 M3 but still disappointing compared to the M3 CSL.
11 years later, the CSL is still faster in OEM format.

Keep in mind the 991 s is doing 7.38...


13-06-2014, 02:21 PM


13-06-2014, 02:25 PM


13-06-2014, 02:58 PM
I was looking forward to this, but it did not happen.
SportAuto has the new M4 in supertest and the laptime is 7:52

Although it is impressive compared to the E92 M3 but still disappointing compared to the M3 CSL.
11 years later, the CSL is still faster in OEM format.

Keep in mind the 991 s is doing 7.38...

Alex, I'm hooning the new F80 M3 & F82 M4 around the track Monday. Will let you know how it compares to CSL times although it's likely they'll only be on MPSSs.

13-06-2014, 04:57 PM

Sorry this is half the truth.
They also say 100kg less than the normal M3. We all know it's far more than 100kg.
I didn't see an E46 M3 with cup tyres lapping 08:00 at the Ring.