View Full Version : Anyone near Essex/Ongar?

20-02-2014, 02:29 AM
Long shot probably but worth a go.

Looking at purchasing another OEM exhaust for my E90 with the intention of modifying it while keeping my 1 year old 'box in standard form.

They're like rocking horse poo but I've found one in Essex. At first, it would appear he's not prepared to package it for a courier to collect but I've mailed him to confirm this is the case.

Would anyone local be willing to lift it for me with the intention of a courier collecting it from themselves after a bit of packaging? It might not come to that but thought I would ask the question anyway.

Thanks in advance,

plumber vic
20-02-2014, 09:14 AM
Could do that Baz other side of river in Kent , have got a van so could pick it up let me know Vic

20-02-2014, 11:22 AM

If you need.....I will do.


Not next door but not too far to drive, def closer than Vic.

20-02-2014, 11:44 AM
A couple of legends right there, thanks very much guys. I owe you both, even for offering your help.

The guy just got back to me saying he'll wrap it for me if I organise a courier, but guys, thanks very much, ������

20-02-2014, 11:53 AM
A couple of legends right there, thanks very much guys. I owe you both, even for offering your help.

The guy just got back to me saying he'll wrap it for me if I organise a courier, but guys, thanks very much, ������

Phew :119::bigcry::hahaha::thumbs: