View Full Version : EML caused by high flow CATs

Mike R
29-01-2014, 02:09 PM
When-ever I drive like a girl, my EML light comes on due to the higher flow nature of the Supersprint CATs. Sometimes it turns itself off, or invariably I have to have Gareth switch it off.

However, while it is on, it always in the back of my mind that I could be driving it thinking everything is okay and it is just the CATs when it is actually another issue.

I have three options:
1. Buy the BMW software and keep turning it off.
2. Take it to someone like Evolve and have the sensitivity of the particular sensor turned down so that it doesn't trip out.
3. Fit one of these in between the exhaust and the sensor (which is supposed to reduce the flow to it, this prevent it from tripping out):

Anyone had any experiences of the above and what do most peeps think is best?

29-01-2014, 03:15 PM
Does your car have warranty?

If not get it deleted from the system.

If it has warranty just buy a BMW laptop, guy on cutters sells them.
Check fault code when light comes on.

Mike R
29-01-2014, 03:43 PM
Does your car have warranty?

If not get it deleted from the system.

If it has warranty just buy a BMW laptop, guy on cutters sells them.
Check fault code when light comes on.

Yes it has full warranty.

Do you have the link for the laptop software? Will I get a discount if I mention you or do they class you in the same light as Shimmy ;)?

Mike R
30-01-2014, 02:41 PM
Anyone else?

30-01-2014, 02:58 PM
Anyone else?
I've been advised option 2 & 3 however due to the infrequency of the EML light coming On and shear laziness on my part ;) I keep using option 1 via my Snap On diagnostic tool :thumbs:

Mike R
30-01-2014, 03:01 PM
I've been advised option 2 & 3 however due to the infrequency of the EML light coming On and shear laziness on my part ;) I keep using option 1 via my Snap On diagnostic tool :thumbs:

Who advised you ;)?

30-01-2014, 03:07 PM
Who advised you ;)?
DMS, Evolve & Garteh @ Elms :) BTW U don't need BMW's own software, just a decent code reader :thumbs:

30-01-2014, 03:35 PM
Get the spacers job done

30-01-2014, 06:49 PM
I turn it off with my iphone (REv2 App) if it comes on. Did it for MOT last month and didn't come back yet

30-01-2014, 07:51 PM
When-ever I drive like a girl, my EML light comes on due to the higher flow nature of the Supersprint CATs. Sometimes it turns itself off, or invariably I have to have Gareth switch it off.

However, while it is on, it always in the back of my mind that I could be driving it thinking everything is okay and it is just the CATs when it is actually another issue.

I have three options:
1. Buy the BMW software and keep turning it off.
2. Take it to someone like Evolve and have the sensitivity of the particular sensor turned down so that it doesn't trip out.
3. Fit one of these in between the exhaust and the sensor (which is supposed to reduce the flow to it, this prevent it from tripping out):

Anyone had any experiences of the above and what do most peeps think is best?


I run the 100 SS cats
the EML light seems to come on whether I've driven hard or out with the Mrs.
Overnight seems to do the trick, EML is usually off next time out.

30-01-2014, 09:30 PM
Get the spacers job done
Yeah... I suppose that's the easiest way around it... or I might just revert back to OEM cats instead.

Mike R
31-01-2014, 09:28 AM

I run the 100 SS cats
the EML light seems to come on whether I've driven hard or out with the Mrs.
Overnight seems to do the trick, EML is usually off next time out.

This seems to have part of the paragraph missing?

Do you mean you disconnect the battery overnight?

31-01-2014, 11:49 AM
Mike, I've had no end of problems with the EML light on my CS since putting the race system on it, although this is with a single Race CAT, as it goes to a single Pipe at the headers. I've ended up putting the spacers on the sensors in the CAT, and replaced or cleaned the others (the one in the header had a massive lump of carbon on it!!)..........seems to have fixed it....For Now :banghead:

From what i gather with the AlphaN Map you can just do a sensor delete, as this seems to be a problem for quite a few people, if mine keeps playing up i'm gonna look into getting it done.

Good Luck Mate

PS If you want individual sensors you can get Bosch ones from Eurocarparts......BMW will only sell you a full set for about a grand i think...well i may be exaggerating a tad

Mike R
31-01-2014, 12:34 PM
I've just got one for my mate's Clio, so if this cures his I will get one for mine as well. Should be here on Monday :).

31-01-2014, 04:09 PM
This seems to have part of the paragraph missing?

Do you mean you disconnect the battery overnight?

No he leaves the Mrs out of the car :whistle:

31-01-2014, 06:48 PM
I'm having custom thexaust so I am leaving rears out and deleting from system.
I'll let you know how I go on.

31-01-2014, 10:09 PM
This seems to have part of the paragraph missing?

Do you mean you disconnect the battery overnight?

No battery is still connected

I understand the ecu holds the fault until it's cleared but the EML light has a mind of its own!!

Mike R
01-02-2014, 12:22 PM
No battery is still connected

I understand the ecu holds the fault until it's cleared but the EML light has a mind of its own!!

I have noticed this - sometimes goes out of its own accord.

16-03-2014, 07:49 PM
I turn it off with my iphone (REv2 App) if it comes on. Did it for MOT last month and didn't come back yet

Hey, I'm having this problem intermittently as well. Interested in the app...could you tell me how it connects? Is it really as easy as it sounds? For £7 it seems like a decent option. Any more information on it?

16-03-2014, 09:26 PM
Hey, I'm having this problem intermittently as well. Interested in the app...could you tell me how it connects? Is it really as easy as it sounds? For £7 it seems like a decent option. Any more information on it?

you need a Bluetooth thingy to plug into the OBD port

17-03-2014, 11:37 AM
you need a Bluetooth thingy to plug into the OBD port

Ok, any idea what bluetooth thingy and how much they cost? Maybe an amazon link?

Do you use the app regularly for things other than resetting the light? How does it perform?


17-03-2014, 11:46 AM
Ok, any idea what bluetooth thingy and how much they cost? Maybe an amazon link?

Do you use the app regularly for things other than resetting the light? How does it perform?


i think it was like this

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/WIFI-OBD2-Diagnostic-OBDII-Tool-iPhone-iPod-Touch-iPad2-/260846933627?ssPageName=ADME%3AB%3AEOIBSA%3AGB%3A1 123&nma=true&si=bi91LpdUFYcrPvhc87tzOTgX8Ec%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557

17-03-2014, 12:46 PM
i think it was like this

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/WIFI-OBD2-Diagnostic-OBDII-Tool-iPhone-iPod-Touch-iPad2-/260846933627?ssPageName=ADME%3AB%3AEOIBSA%3AGB%3A1 123&nma=true&si=bi91LpdUFYcrPvhc87tzOTgX8Ec%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557

Great, thanks! :)

29-04-2014, 04:07 PM
Went ahead and ordered one of these:


Going to use it and the Rev 2 app to check the fault code and clear it (as long as it is just the emissions as usual)

I'll report back once I've tried it out!


01-05-2014, 10:30 AM
If anyone else is having this problem then I can confirm that this works flawlessly! I used it last night to clear the same fault code that keeps popping up from the high flow CAT emissions sensor.

It was a bit of a trial and error job (the part doesn't come with any instructions!!) but in the end I got it connected to all 3 apps I have, Rev, Dash Command and OBD Fusion.

Total cost of the part and apps is about £50 so well worth it in my opinion.


Mike R
01-05-2014, 10:44 AM
If anyone else is having this problem then I can confirm that this works flawlessly! I used it last night to clear the same fault code that keeps popping up from the high flow CAT emissions sensor.

It was a bit of a trial and error job (the part doesn't come with any instructions!!) but in the end I got it connected to all 3 apps I have, Rev, Dash Command and OBD Fusion.

Total cost of the part and apps is about £50 so well worth it in my opinion.


How about a quick guide (with screen shots etc) to show how everything works :)?

01-05-2014, 11:41 AM
How about a quick guide (with screen shots etc) to show how everything works :)?

Will do, maybe this weekend! ;)