View Full Version : Dud battery

08-01-2014, 09:43 PM
Happy new year to you all.

Just wondering if you guys can help with a few questions on the CSL's battery...

I've had the car tucked away for the winter and just got a CTEK 5.0. But I think I've been beaten to it as the battery is dead and I'm not holding much hope of resurrecting it.

- can you tell me what type I should looking for with a new off-the-shelf battery instead of going to BMW.

- I notice there are two vent holes on my existing battery (one next positive, and the other opposite at negative). My breather tube goes to the positive...can the negative one just stay open as is, or does it need to be plugged, or even its own tube?

- just going on from this, do you reckon it is safe to leave my CTEK connect over the winter with a car cover on. I imagine this will effect the venting?

- am I thinking way too much about this? :hahaha:

- and finally, can anyone tell me what the blue/red cable below is for (next the positive terminal)? It looks a bit lonely.

http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y516/P_McGuire/2003%20CSL/__TEMP__65231bb1d42418e442d7341098cbb0d6-1349629107_370_IMG-20140108-00343_zps525f5b78.jpg (http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/P_McGuire/media/2003%20CSL/__TEMP__65231bb1d42418e442d7341098cbb0d6-1349629107_370_IMG-20140108-00343_zps525f5b78.jpg.html).

Cheers fellas :thumbs:


08-01-2014, 10:06 PM
I keep my battery out of the car but I don't remember seeing as many wires as that last time I took it out :smt104:smt104

08-01-2014, 10:07 PM
The Blue,red cable on its own is your Caravan hook up point :-D.Ive used my Ctek charger with the car cover on for a long while and had no trouble.:wink:

08-01-2014, 10:18 PM
Mine went in 2012 and I bought an Exide battery rather than pay big bucks for the same with a BMW sticker on it:



08-01-2014, 11:24 PM
I keep my battery out of the car but I don't remember seeing as many wires as that last time I took it out :smt104:smt104

Those cables at the end of the pos/neg are just for easy connection to the CTEK. Very handy :wink:

08-01-2014, 11:26 PM
The Blue,red cable on its own is your Caravan hook up point :-D.Ive used my Ctek charger with the car cover on for a long while and had no trouble.:wink:

Cool. Know where I can pick up a good hitch? (lightweight preferably) :-D

08-01-2014, 11:27 PM
Mine went in 2012 and I bought an Exide battery rather than pay big bucks for the same with a BMW sticker on it:



Thanks for that. So the Exide 065 is the OEM battery spec? And failing that, I'm just trying to match 54Ah, 520CCA.

My existing dud was a bit more highly rated at 72Ah 680A (Bosch S4). Any issues with going higher? Is it purely weight related?

Sorry, I'm a bit of a newb to this.

08-01-2014, 11:38 PM
Thanks for that. So the Exide 065 is the OEM battery spec? And failing that, I'm just trying to match 54Ah, 520CCA.

My existing dud was a bit more highly rated at 72Ah 680A (Bosch S4). Any issues with going higher? Is it purely weight related?

Sorry, I'm a bit of a newb to this.Your existing battery is Stock M3 size,no issues,just heavier.;)

09-01-2014, 09:40 PM
Thanks for the replies fellas.

However, I think I have a bigger problem...I'm sure the alternator is on the way out :bigcry:

This morning I monitored the voltage while putting the battery back in the car. Battery was reading 13.5v before connecting up. On starting the engine, I watched it steadily decline down to 12v over the space of an hour. At times, I maintained the engine at 2k rpm which saw it rise back up just above 13v, but it began declining back down towards 12v with the throttle off. When it went below 12v, I gave up and wiped the battery out to avoid killing it.

I'm right in think that the alternator should be sending at least 14v to the battery? I'm getting no battery light on the dash either...I'm assuming a sensor issue also?



http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y516/P_McGuire/2003%20CSL/IMG-20140109-00349_zps5b9f518d.jpg (http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/P_McGuire/media/2003%20CSL/IMG-20140109-00349_zps5b9f518d.jpg.html)

03-06-2015, 09:08 PM
Mine has just died too, and got a heavy Exide unit, but its 77Ah and 760Ah CCA so should be ok, 4 year warranty too.

Wieghing over 14 stone I dont think the battery for me will make much differnece.

One question I did have though is where to the spacers usually go as both mine have smashed off.

And final qquesion is does anyone have a part number for the small square spacer? looked on OEM parts, and only see 61 21 1 350 825 Spacer for the long one.

Cheers. John

03-06-2015, 09:13 PM
Mine has just died too, and got a heavy Exide unit, but its 77Ah and 760Ah CCA so should be ok, 4 year warranty too.

Wieghing over 14 stone I dont think the battery for me will make much differnece.

One question I did have though is where to the spacers usually go as both mine have smashed off.

And final qquesion is does anyone have a part number for the small square spacer? looked on OEM parts, and only see 61 21 1 350 825 Spacer for the long one.

Cheers. John


Matt and/or Neil M will be along in a mo with all things BMW part numbers.