View Full Version : Aragon Cars & Bikes

31-12-2013, 03:03 PM
Long w/e in Aragon, fantastic circuit and facilities but christ is it in the middle of nowhere, nice but nowhere, I kept whistling Western theme tunes!!!

For those not interested in Bikes I bumped into the local BMW club from Barcelona nice collection of cars, V nice E30 M3 & the Jagermeister 635 was fantastic! (No csl's tho')
Car Flickr Set: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yeahmeagain/sets/72157637152666485/

...bike stuff ;-)
Pecket & McNab Z1000 Kwacker

Can you see Clint riding in - Aragon from the hill.

Alcaniz, nice place/food beer & SUN(remember that big bright shiney thing?)

In a nutshell had fuel contamination problems, but managed to finish high enough up to clinch Second place in the European Classic Championship, so not too disappointed!

Bike Flickr Set: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yeahmeagain/sets/72157637296223805/