View Full Version : Michelin Cups.
(1) Mark csl 2 rears
(2) glendog74 - Full set
(3) Bryce - Full set
(4) Shake&Bake - Full set
(5) Karbonkid - Full Set
(6) Sailorbaz - Full Set
(7) SMD - Full Set
06-02-2009, 02:03 PM
(1) Mark csl 2 rears
(2) glendog74 - Full set
(3) Bryce - Full set
(4) Shake&Bake - Full set
(5) Karbonkid - Full Set
(6) Sailorbaz - Full Set
(7) SMD - Full Set
(8) Bealo - Full Set
06-02-2009, 02:41 PM
HOw much are we looknig at approx? £300 a corner?
HOw much are we looknig at approx? £300 a corner?
No should do better than that! :-D
Will know soon tho!
06-02-2009, 02:48 PM
£300 a corner. With 10 sets I should hope not!!! £1275 in main stealer, so should be considerably less.
Looking for around £850 a set i hope! if we get 10 sets!
please ask around if you know of a good company that can do us a deal! :-D
06-02-2009, 03:22 PM
£850 sounds like a cracking deal :thumbs:
06-02-2009, 07:09 PM
I get them fitted locally for £950. Could ask what he could get them delivered for with the possibility of taking 10+ orders. Won't be for another couple of weeks though.
06-02-2009, 07:18 PM
I get them fitted locally for £950. Could ask what he could get them delivered for with the possibility of taking 10+ orders. Won't be for another couple of weeks though.
Sound good to me. I will ask about too. :thumbs:
Mark CSL
06-02-2009, 09:14 PM
I shall up my order to a full set :thumbs:
(1) Mark csl Full set
(2) glendog74 - Full set
(3) Bryce - Full set
(4) Shake&Bake - Full set
(5) Karbonkid - Full Set
(6) Sailorbaz - Full Set
(7) SMD - Full Set
(8) Bealo - Full Set
06-02-2009, 10:02 PM
Add me in for full set, Thorney do them for 960 a full set
(1) Mark csl - Full set
(2) glendog74 - Full set
(3) Bryce - Full set
(4) Shake&Bake - Full set
(5) Karbonkid - Full Set
(6) Sailorbaz - Full Set
(7) SMD - Full Set
(8 ) Bealo - Full Set
(9) Derek - Full Set
Mark CSL
06-02-2009, 10:05 PM
Add me in for full set, Thorney do them for 960 a full set
(1) Mark csl - Full set
(2) glendog74 - Full set
(3) Bryce - Full set
(4) Shake&Bake - Full set
(5) Karbonkid - Full Set
(6) Sailorbaz - Full Set
(7) SMD - Full Set
(8 ) Bealo - Full Set
(9) Derek - Full Set
Looks like the summer is on its way :hahaha:
We need 1 more and thats 10 sets :whistle:
interested in a full set, if someone send them to france :whistle:
any possibilities ?? :notworthy:
Mark CSL
07-02-2009, 10:18 AM
interested in a full set, if someone send them to france :whistle:
any possibilities ?? :notworthy:
Yip i can do that if you pay postage :thumbs:
Or if you are going to the ring trip i can bring them for free :thumbs:
would prefer having them fitted for a ring trip :-D
postage is fine at the right price :thumbs: (any idea?)
Mark CSL
07-02-2009, 11:01 AM
Postage is scarry it was £140.00 with parcels 2 go :banghead:
Would get the postage cheaper form the tyre company i would think! :-D
humm....850+140= 990 £, with the conversion £ to €, i can have them for about the same price in France ( :banghead: )...too bad, but if someone come to visit eurodisney or Paris, with the tyres in the boot........ :beer:
i will be on the ring on sunday the 3rd of may (saturday is a dtm revival date)....
argghhh i need a full set of cups.....and i need to arrange the postage, any idea ?
07-02-2009, 03:25 PM
me and glendog74 will be there 3rd of may :thumbs:
07-02-2009, 06:06 PM
I'll make some enquires on monday lads :thumbs:
I'll make some enquires on monday lads :thumbs:
:thumbs: :beer:
07-02-2009, 09:26 PM
me and glendog74 will be there 3rd of may :thumbs:
And me!!!! :thumbs:
07-02-2009, 10:36 PM
i wont be far away! :thumbs:
08-02-2009, 11:18 AM
humm....850+140= 990 £, with the conversion £ to €, i can have them for about the same price in France ( :banghead: )...too bad, but if someone come to visit eurodisney or Paris, with the tyres in the boot........ :beer:
i will be on the ring on sunday the 3rd of may (saturday is a dtm revival date)....
argghhh i need a full set of cups.....and i need to arrange the postage, any idea ?
I use transglobal to ship all my car parts around the world. They are always reasonable. Give them a try. You will have to sign up, which takes no time: :thumbs:
I use transglobal to ship all my car parts around the world. They are always reasonable. Give them a try. You will have to sign up, which takes no time: :thumbs:
humm, okay, so what is the weigth of a 265.30.19 ??
prices are interesting, thanks
09-02-2009, 09:37 AM
I use transglobal to ship all my car parts around the world. They are always reasonable. Give them a try. You will have to sign up, which takes no time: :thumbs:
humm, okay, so what is the weigth of a 265.30.19 ??
prices are interesting, thanks
Not sure. It will be around 40kg (10kg each tyre? x4) Im guessing. Try and get a price for that weight.
In terms of size add the 4 together, its cheaper than sending 4x parcels. :wink:
09-02-2009, 11:19 AM
First bid, based on 9 full sets...
(225 x 2) + (326 x 2) = £1102 inclusive
235/35 + 265/30's, right?
09-02-2009, 11:22 AM
And apparently thats wholesale... :wanker:
09-02-2009, 11:49 AM
Obviously they know their stuff.
I will see if Steve at Simply tyres can come up with a price
09-02-2009, 12:09 PM
I will get a few quoted too. Can someone confirm sizes front & rear?
09-02-2009, 12:16 PM
Michelin Cup
265/30 x 19
235/35 x 19
09-02-2009, 12:55 PM
Best I can find at present is £1208 a set supplied only inc vat.
09-02-2009, 02:07 PM
Hi Thorneys were doing them for £960
09-02-2009, 03:26 PM
Costco in Aberdeen cannot get them, Michelin would only supply him if he was a racing driver / team :whistle:
:hahaha: :wanker:
Mark CSL
09-02-2009, 05:33 PM
Ok here is what i can sort Thanks to John At ELITE
Fronts £199.00 + VAT Rear £273+vat Delivery for 4 tyres £10 UK
Total inc Vat and Delivery = £1097.10
The price is subject to change as they only have the 10 sets in stock.
Contact John form Elite on 01708 527200 or mobile 07802 633 335
Thanks John
10-02-2009, 12:21 PM
Costco, Edinburgh = £1045.00 inclusive.
11-02-2009, 05:02 PM
just ask my local dealer for a cost they are normally very competative on tyres, should have a price tomorrow
11-02-2009, 06:02 PM
I can get a 5% forces discount at
Comes in at £1186.30 a set. Not best price but at least you get them fitted where you want.
11-02-2009, 06:15 PM
I may know someone as well...Will chase up tomorrow.
Anymore news on prices guys?
15-02-2009, 06:19 PM
Seeing my chap on Monday...also may be at Simpsons Monday so could ask there as well.
15-02-2009, 07:30 PM
SMD, I have a contact at one of the largest tyre distributors in the North West - I design most of their marketing collateral - so can see what price they'll do if you want?
SMD, I have a contact at one of the largest tyre distributors in the North West - I design most of their marketing collateral - so can see what price they'll do if you want?
Yes defo mate! Let me know asap! :thumbs: :beer:
15-02-2009, 08:06 PM
Seeing my chap on Monday...also may be at Simpsons Monday so could ask there as well.
andy, might see you at simpsons Monday
ill be the one eating beakfast all day over at the cafe :thumbs:
15-02-2009, 08:12 PM
Will e-mail my man at Skidz in Falkirk, see what he can do. Not sure about delivering them though. He might be able to buy them all on his account and then ship them locally to y'all, I don't know.
E-mailing him now since I'm STILL on this effin' boat!!! :moan:
15-02-2009, 08:32 PM
PM me the spec mate, and what quantities, etc.
15-02-2009, 08:40 PM
(1) Mark csl - Full set
(2) glendog74 - Full set
(3) Bryce - Full set
(4) Shake&Bake - Full set
(5) Karbonkid - Full Set
(6) Sailorbaz - Full Set
(7) SMD - Full Set
(8 ) Bealo - Full Set
(9) Derek - Full Set
Michelin Pilot Sport Cups - 235/35 R19 & 265/30 R19
15-02-2009, 09:45 PM
(1) Mark csl - Full set
(2) glendog74 - Full set
(3) Bryce - Full set
(4) Shake&Bake - Full set
(5) Karbonkid - Full Set
(6) Sailorbaz - Full Set
(7) SMD - Full Set
(8 ) Bealo - Full Set
(9) Derek - Full Set
(10) Terryb - Full set
Michelin Pilot Sport Cups - 235/35 R19 & 265/30 R19
Really we are looking for less than £900 with buying 10 sets!
16-02-2009, 08:10 AM
Ok, and what's the score with distribution? I assume they will need delivering? Can you PM me the addresses or areas if poss?
16-02-2009, 09:24 AM
Got an e-mail back this morning, I've to go in and see him on Friday, hope no one's in a mad rush. :whistle:
Last time I got them off him, he was circa £1000 fitted.
16-02-2009, 12:46 PM
Seeing my chap on Monday...also may be at Simpsons Monday so could ask there as well.
Contcted the two above so hopefull to hear something soon.
16-02-2009, 06:13 PM
How long do these Mich Cups last for on Average. Mileage? Is it worth getting a couple of sets. How many trackdays to give us some idea. 1 set for the Ring trip, driving hard? :smokin:
16-02-2009, 06:22 PM
(1) Mark csl - Full set
(2) glendog74 - Full set
(3) Bryce - Full set
(4) Shake&Bake - Full set
(5) Karbonkid - Full Set
(6) Sailorbaz - Full Set
(7) SMD - Full Set
(8 ) Bealo - Full Set
(9) Derek - Full Set
(10) Terryb - Full set
(11) AlexGTT - Full set
Always looking for Cups at decent prices. At 11 sets someones bound to get a cracking price in this economic climate.
16-02-2009, 06:58 PM
Best so far is £1045, but thats only 20% off list.
Surely <£900 is acheivable.
(1) Mark csl - Full set
(2) glendog74 - Full set
(3) Bryce - Full set
(4) Shake&Bake - Full set
(5) Karbonkid - Full Set
(6) Sailorbaz - Full Set
(7)Bealo - Full Set
(8) Derek - Full Set
(9) Terryb - Full set
I now have a set! Cheers! :-D
17-02-2009, 08:46 PM
Shall i add AlexGTT back on the list then SMD? :whistle:
(1) Mark csl - Full set
(2) glendog74 - Full set
(3) Bryce - Full set
(4) Shake&Bake - Full set
(5) Karbonkid - Full Set
(6) Sailorbaz - Full Set
(7) Bealo - Full Set
(8) Derek - Full Set
(9) Terryb - Full set
(10) AlexGTT - Full set
17-02-2009, 09:53 PM
Any more SMD, dont be selfish :blalalala:
18-02-2009, 10:14 AM
Shall i add AlexGTT back on the list then SMD?
(1) Mark csl - Full set
(2) glendog74 - Full set
(3) Bryce - Full set
(4) Shake&Bake - Full set
(5) Karbonkid - Full Set
(6) Sailorbaz - Full Set
(7) Bealo - Full Set
( Derek - Full Set
(9) Terryb - Full set
(10) AlexGTT - Full set
Thanks Rob. :thumbs:
18-02-2009, 10:32 AM
Haven't heard back from Simpsons yet!!
18-02-2009, 05:50 PM
SUPPLIED ONLY, not inc delivery.
Quote on 10x sets.
FRONTS 235/35ZR19 £235 each inc VAT
REARS 265/30ZR19 £327 each inc VAT
Full set £1,124
18-02-2009, 06:01 PM
Mmmm, these prices aren't exactly looking up to much! You'd think someone somewhere would offer a good deal on 10 sets - especially in this financial climate... :smt012
18-02-2009, 06:02 PM
Haven't heard back from Simpsons yet!!
Not unusal Andy. Ant gets too much to do and the phone is non stop in the place. I'll see him Friday if you want me to chase it up?
18-02-2009, 07:05 PM
Apparently theyre up 10 - 15% this month.
18-02-2009, 08:12 PM
I'm told that as they are specialist it's supply and demand so not much room for discount.
18-02-2009, 08:13 PM
Haven't heard back from Simpsons yet!!
Not unusal Andy. Ant gets too much to do and the phone is non stop in the place. I'll see him Friday if you want me to chase it up?
Alex what time you there on Friday...taking the car the have the wheels sorted in the afternoon which is just around the corner from Simpsons so may pop over to say hello.
18-02-2009, 08:18 PM
I was on to BHP this afternoon about something else I mentioned that we were looking for a group buy on cup's so Neill (from BHP) is to come back to me as soon as he has any news.
18-02-2009, 08:28 PM
your not going to buy them cheap there's no money in them for anyone to discount
19-02-2009, 01:57 AM
Andy, I'll be there at about 2pm for a chat with Ant about our plans for karting this season. Also going to be calling into Clives bodyshop to see about sorting a small scratch some careless knob put in my drivers door back in the Summer. :moan: Damn car parks! :moan: :banghead:
19-02-2009, 05:23 AM
Alex may be worth a call into Autoart if you're there to see what they can do with the scratch as well, always worth 2 Clive C&R?
Oh yes and you could ask about the Cups if thats OK. :thumbs:
19-02-2009, 04:21 PM
Got quote from local bmw dealer Grassicks, £1200 inc VAT exc delivery, they can normally beat all local tyre dealers. but don't do all lot of volume on cups (possible due to roads never being dry here)
Mark CSL
19-02-2009, 05:45 PM
I got another price from my m8 he ownes his own garage and gets a great
deal on tyres but not on cups :hahaha:
The prices below are for him to buy in nothing added on top
So it looks like the days when you could get cups for £950 are long gone.
Rear £318.18 +vat each
Front £217.81 +vat each
Total £933.20+vat = £1073.18
19-02-2009, 05:56 PM
How bout importing? ive got a cheap courier. :whistle:
19-02-2009, 06:31 PM
Can any of our German/French based members get a price locally to compare to UK prices........
19-02-2009, 07:19 PM
my last set was 1200€ mounted, last year.
greets, Roland
19-02-2009, 07:27 PM
Thats about the same as the cheapest on here then.
19-02-2009, 08:12 PM
Think the only way we are all going to get very cheap cups is to do a CSL register armed robbery .. Van and Diversion etc , and either Michelin Lorry or tyre depot :whistle:
Diversion of stunning babes :drool: ... then ........ :whistle:
19-02-2009, 08:16 PM
Think the only way we are all going to get very cheap cups is to do a CSL register armed robbery .. Van and Diversion etc , and either Michelin Lorry or tyre depot :whistle:
Diversion of stunning babes :drool: ... then ........ :whistle:
:hahaha: :hahaha: Marks got the CSLregister stickers for the vans. Oh no that would sort of give it away.. :whistle:
19-02-2009, 08:17 PM
Like Fast and Furious shizzle Daz?
Could get the BMW Special and Mark (with his new flames) to lead the way :hahaha:
19-02-2009, 08:18 PM
my last set was 1200€ mounted, last year.
greets, Roland
Cheers Roland.
That would have been a good price for us Brits 12 months ago, about £850 for a set.
Not anymore though.... :moan:
19-02-2009, 08:19 PM
You got the idea :hahaha:
19-02-2009, 08:19 PM
But promotion for the site would be priceless - Front page of all the papers. Would out weigh any time behind bars.
Wouldnt catch me in my lightweight anyway :-D
Mark CSL
20-02-2009, 09:01 PM
I have e-mailed Michelin Uk, to see if they can do us a deal on cups?
We shall see if they reply to my email and if they can help us loyal customers out. :whistle:
20-02-2009, 10:40 PM
I have e-mailed Michelin Uk, to see if they can do us a deal on cups?
We shall see if they reply to my email and if they can help us loyal customers out. :whistle:
Spot on - you'd think Michelin Uk would be fond of linking up with a UK club like the Register, fingers crossed eh? ;)
Mark CSL
20-02-2009, 10:49 PM
Well if you dont ask you dont get :whistle:
20-02-2009, 11:04 PM
Update: I have spoken to a dozen companies and most dont deal in them. One company I phoned said he had already spoken to someone enquiring about the same order, blackcircles? I got a reply from someone saying they will do for £990 inc vat. Awaiting reply..
20-02-2009, 11:48 PM
I won't find out now until Monday, sorry. Still in Brasil, home Sunday.
Will let you know asap, :thumbs:
some news from france:
i had to change my tyres for my next trackday (Magny cours on march), ask some friends (retailers) and the best price was just under 1.400 €, not a good idea with the change rate (about 1.200 pounds)
the normal retail price is about 1.800 € in france....sometimes there is a good deal (just look at this: ).
France is not the country for the cups :wanker: .........but Michelin is a french company :moan:
22-02-2009, 03:27 PM
anyone know how many sets your looking at ? I use a good place who would look at a good price for a group buy :wink:
22-02-2009, 03:32 PM
anyone know how many sets your looking at ? I use a good place who would look at a good price for a group buy :wink:
(1) Mark csl - Full set
(2) glendog74 - Full set
(3) Bryce - Full set
(4) Shake&Bake - Full set
(5) Karbonkid - Full Set
(6) Sailorbaz - Full Set
(7) Bealo - Full Set
(8) Derek - Full Set
(9) Terryb - Full set
(10) AlexGTT - Full set
22-02-2009, 03:38 PM
(1) Mark csl - Full set
(2) glendog74 - Full set
(3) Bryce - Full set
(4) Shake&Bake - Full set
(5) Karbonkid - Full Set
(6) Sailorbaz - Full Set
(7) Bealo - Full Set
( Derek - Full Set
(9) Terryb - Full set
(10) AlexGTT - Full set
that's from not reading the full thread :rolleye:
I will get you all a price tomorrow, I best read it all now to see what your best price is :whistle:
23-02-2009, 05:10 PM
£1025 + vat was the best they could do
Mark CSL
23-02-2009, 05:12 PM
Got this email from Michelin
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your recent e-mail.
We have allocated your message the reference number indicated within the title. If you need to contact us again regarding your message, we would be grateful if you could include the reference number.
We don't sell tyres directly to the public and therefore we would suggest contacting a retail outlet to see if they can offer you a favourable deal. Our Pilot Sport Cup tyre is normally sold through a couple of tyre dealers that have a presence at 'track' events. They are Protyre Motorsport telephone 01782 411001 and SE tyres 01376 347452. This said, the BMW CSL has the Sport Cups fitted as original equipment and therefore can be sauced through any tyre distributor.
Once again thank you for your interest in Michelin.
Yours sincerely
Michelin Tyre Public Limited Company
Protyre are only up the road from me andthey dont do deals! :banghead:
23-02-2009, 07:50 PM
Got this email from Michelin
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your recent e-mail.
We have allocated your message the reference number indicated within the title. If you need to contact us again regarding your message, we would be grateful if you could include the reference number.
We don't sell tyres directly to the public and therefore we would suggest contacting a retail outlet to see if they can offer you a favourable deal. Our Pilot Sport Cup tyre is normally sold through a couple of tyre dealers that have a presence at 'track' events. They are Protyre Motorsport telephone 01782 411001 and SE tyres 01376 347452. This said, the BMW CSL has the Sport Cups fitted as original equipment and therefore can be sauced through any tyre distributor.
Once again thank you for your interest in Michelin.
Yours sincerely
Michelin Tyre Public Limited Company
The brush off then...
23-02-2009, 08:21 PM
(1) Mark csl - Full set
(2) glendog74 - Full set
(3) Bryce - Full set
(4) Shake&Bake - Full set
(5) Karbonkid - Full Set
(6) Bealo - Full Set
(7) Derek - Full Set
(8) Terryb - Full set
(9) AlexGTT - Full set
The best price I could get was touching £1100.
I've removed myself from the list, need to finance something else 1st! :'(
23-02-2009, 09:01 PM
My guy is back tomorrow so I'll see what I can do.
Are those prices just supply, so +P&P and +fitting?
24-02-2009, 06:33 AM
Still no reply from Simpsons...but i did get the impression that it was of much interest to them to be honest.
24-02-2009, 06:50 AM
Protyre are only up the road from me andthey dont do deals! :banghead:
I've used Protyre for about five years and they've always been very keen prices ... never tried to get further 'bulk discounts' though.
Good bunch o' lads :thumbs:
24-02-2009, 11:00 AM
Sorry guys, £1200 a set is the best he can get! :119:
He's just mentioned that Mich generally don't give wholesalers the best prices as they prefer to deal with specialists. So... anyone know a specialist?
24-02-2009, 11:03 AM
I think we need to call it a day. Ive spoken to a dozen and they are similar price for 10x sets.
24-02-2009, 12:10 PM
Give me till Friday and I will see if my business tyre dealer who gives me a good squeeze.on my track Tyres will spin it to 10 sets.
25-02-2009, 01:10 AM
Still no reply from Simpsons...but i did get the impression that it was of much interest to them to be honest.
Andy, Simpson Motorsport use Protyre. As Mark found out, they are the official importer for Michelin Cups, so everyone else's supply comes through them and if they aren't doing deals, nobody else is either.
Ant mentioned to me it was probably better to have approached them first as the official importer and as they are probably getting several enquiries around a bulk order of 10 sets from all the tyre companies contacted and detailed in this thread. I'm fairly sure they have already but 2+2 together and realise they have cornered us on price now.
25-02-2009, 06:41 AM
That would answer that then.....
25-02-2009, 08:13 AM
Daz, still up for the CSLRegister armed robbery idea? Perhaps we should group buy on spud guns for the job! :whistle:
I rang Protyre as tho are only up the road!
£1345 a set! :119:
He says might do a little off if we buy 10 sets! I asked if he could do £500 off each set! :hahaha:
25-02-2009, 10:05 AM
Daz, still up for the CSLRegister armed robbery idea? Perhaps we should group buy on spud guns for the job! :whistle:
Still think its our best option for cheap Cups !! lol :hahaha:
26-02-2009, 11:08 PM
ok best i can find is £1080 exc delivery but inc vat
front £220, rears £320
26-02-2009, 11:09 PM
Ok here is what i can sort Thanks to John At ELITE
Fronts £199.00 + VAT Rear £273+vat Delivery for 4 tyres £10 UK
Total inc Vat and Delivery = £1097.10
The price is subject to change as they only have the 10 sets in stock.
Contact John form Elite on 01708 527200 or mobile 07802 633 335
Thanks John
this looks the best deal and easy delivery!
27-02-2009, 07:24 AM
Good stuff Shimmy! :beer:
I'm in at that price no point in waiting any longer I think.
27-02-2009, 09:40 AM
Good stuff Shimmy! :beer:
I'm in at that price no point in waiting any longer I think.
Do you mean they deliver!?!
That wasnt me by the way....
27-02-2009, 09:51 AM
:banghead: Not my morning for posting.
(Note to self don't post onto the interweb the morning after the night before without getting somone to proof read it first!)
27-02-2009, 03:24 PM
(1) Mark csl - Full set
(2) glendog74 - Full set
(3) Removed
(4) Shake&Bake - Full set
(5) Karbonkid - Full Set
(6) Bealo - Full Set
(7) Derek - Full Set
(8.) Terryb - Full set
(9) AlexGTT - Full set
Just gonna get these myself cos a group buy isnt looking to be of any benefit.
01-03-2009, 09:12 PM
I bought a set from John at Elite last week as I needed them form BH last Friday.
(1) Mark csl - Full set
(2) glendog74 - Full set
(3) Removed
(4) Shake&Bake - Full set
(5) Karbonkid - Full Set
(6) Bealo - Full Set
(7) Derek - Full Set
(8.) Terryb - Full set - already purchased from Elite
(9) AlexGTT - Full set
02-03-2009, 06:51 AM
I just got the info from my tire guy. If we make a group buy of 10sets, he will charge 1000€ a set and he will do a delivery (included) to the ring.
Mark CSL
03-03-2009, 05:50 PM
I just got the info from my tire guy. If we make a group buy of 10sets, he will charge 1000€ a set and he will do a delivery (included) to the ring.
Well done roland :thumbs: that sounds great and new cups for the trip home :supz:
I just got the info from my tire guy. If we make a group buy of 10sets, he will charge 1000€ a set and he will do a delivery (included) to the ring.
1000 € a complete set ???????????:119:
03-03-2009, 07:18 PM
I just got the info from my tire guy. If we make a group buy of 10sets, he will charge 1000€ a set and he will do a delivery (included) to the ring.
but what about us that arent going to the ring! How about Spa!
i need 4 rears!
Mark CSL
08-03-2009, 01:00 PM
Well how want to take Roland up on the offer of the cups €1000 delivered to the ring when we are there ???:thumbs:
08-03-2009, 03:13 PM
I would love to but will only have the space to fit 2 x rears in the car as i will already have a set of track wheels in the back!
08-03-2009, 03:26 PM
Well how want to take Roland up on the offer of the cups €1000 delivered to the ring when we are there ???:thumbs:
That is a bloody good price ... if mine don't happen then I will take a set of those :whistle:
12-03-2009, 10:41 PM
(1) Mark csl - Full set
(2) glendog74 - Full set
(3) Removed
(4) Shake&Bake - Full set Ordered today through ELITE remove
(5) Karbonkid - Full Set
(6) Bealo - Full Set
(7) Derek - Full Set
(8.) Terryb - Full set - already purchased from Elite
(9) AlexGTT - Full set
Ordered today from John price is going up, be quick.
14-03-2009, 09:01 PM
Shake &bake will they be on for Llandow.
15-03-2009, 06:27 PM
(1) Mark csl - Full set
(2) glendog74 - Full set
(3) Removed
(4) Shake&Bake - Full set Ordered today through ELITE remove
(5) Karbonkid - REMOVED other plans
(6) Bealo - Full Set
(7) Derek - Full Set
(8.) Terryb - Full set - already purchased from Elite
(9) AlexGTT - Full set
15-03-2009, 07:45 PM
Shake &bake will they be on for Llandow.
they will be toast....................
my cups last year at Llandow were a real mess and even though not new were a mess by the time we had finished the day:bigcry:
it is quite abrasive there OR the tarmac gets the tyres particularily hot!
17-03-2009, 04:55 AM
Anymore news on this group buy??????
17-03-2009, 06:21 PM
(1) Mark csl - Full set
(2) glendog74 - Full set
(3) Removed
(4) Shake&Bake - Full set Ordered today through ELITE remove
(5) Karbonkid - REMOVED other plans
(6) Bealo - Full Set
(7) Derek - Full Set
(8.) Terryb - Full set - already purchased from Elite
(9) AlexGTT - Full set
If I'm right we only have 5sets. I just talked to the dealer today, he needs 4weeks to order before delivery.
18-03-2009, 01:06 AM
I'm certainly still up for these Roland.
I will be out at the Ring on 2/3 May but i would need to be able to have them fitted out there as i will be bringing my track wheels out with me. Do you know of any fitting shop that can do this locally in Adenau or elsewhere?
Thanks :thumbs:
18-03-2009, 03:05 AM
(1) Mark csl - Full set
(2) glendog74 - Full set
(3) Removed
(4) Shake&Bake - Full set Ordered today through ELITE remove
(5) Karbonkid - REMOVED other plans
(6) Bealo - Full Set
(7) Derek - Full Set
(8.) Terryb - Full set - already purchased from Elite
(9) AlexGTT - Full set
If I'm right we only have 5sets. I just talked to the dealer today, he needs 4weeks to order before delivery.
I will have a set no problem but i'm not sure when i'm going to the ring so unless someone can bring them back for me or i pay extra to get them shipped to the UK i'm gonna have to pass.
If anyone is taking a estate car/truck etc and would bring back cups please let me know. :thumbs:
23-03-2009, 01:49 AM
(1) Mark csl - Full set
(2) glendog74 - Full set
(3) Removed
(4) Shake&Bake - Full set Ordered today through ELITE remove
(5) Karbonkid - REMOVED other plans
(6) Bealo - REMOVED
(7) Derek - Full Set
(8.) Terryb - Full set - already purchased from Elite
(9) AlexGTT - Full set
Removed myself from group buy as i have no way of bring Cups back from the Ring, Plus looking to buy Cups local.
23-03-2009, 08:01 PM
(1) Mark csl - Full set
(2) glendog74 - REMOVED - ordered through Elite
(3) Removed
(4) Shake&Bake - Full set Ordered today through ELITE remove
(5) Karbonkid - REMOVED other plans
(6) Bealo - REMOVED
(7) Derek - Full Set
(8.) Terryb - Full set - already purchased from Elite
(9) AlexGTT - Full set
In another death knell for the Cups group buy I have removed myself from the list as i ordered a set from Elite mail order today...:whistle:
I checked a few places for the latest prices as follows, all inc.VAT + delivery:
Elite - £1127
Black Circles (5% discount) - £1189
SE Tyres (official Michelin supplier) - £1221
Protyre (official Michelin supplier) - £1322...!
Prices are going up fellas... :smt104
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