View Full Version : CSL needs a new block - advice needed

26-09-2013, 06:31 PM
Hi all, I recently bought a CSL and it wasn't a good one (not long out of the hands of a prolific CSL seller on here with his service stamp so I thought it would be good). In the end, it's my fault for buying it. But now I've got it and I'm going to get it sorted.

The head was loose and it's knackered the head gasket but also damaged the block. I've had the head skimmed and the mechanic says I could take a bit off the block, fit a new head gasket and it'd probably be OK but I want to do a proper job and rebuild the motor, so it's as good as new. So I'm opting for a block from a low-mileage motor, new piston rings and it should be good to go.

A few questions:

1) Is the block exactly the same as the standard E46 M3, down to the part numbers and markings on the block itself?

2) Is there anywhere you'd recommend to source a decent block?

3) If you had to have your engine apart, what other parts would you look at replacing while you're there?

4) Are the standard head studs OK or should I get uprated ones?

5) Is the standard BMW head gasket good enough or should I uprate that too?

6) Have I missed anything?

Thanks in advance.

uncle benz
26-09-2013, 06:48 PM
I have a 40,000 mile 2004 E46 motor on a stand in my workshop. It is complete, but one of the vanos oil pump drive lugs has snapped off. I could be persuaded to sell it I suppose.

Neil M
26-09-2013, 06:51 PM
My first question would be; what has the seller had to say about your predicament? Any car sold should be "Fit for Purpose" and that's the law!
Heads don't generally come loose of their own volition, unless it's been removed at some point and not torqued down correctly.
Sounds like it might be a little late in the day to stick it to him! :(

26-09-2013, 07:21 PM
Who sold it to you spill the beans :whistle:

26-09-2013, 07:32 PM
That's bad news spill the beans, i would
I'd say standard e46 m3 engine is same except cams etc,don't know about part number
How much do dealer look for a new block? Might be best route,new set of big ends and arp bolts and like new!!

26-09-2013, 08:16 PM
Nick Johnson wasn't it,

I remember you asking the question about his dodgy stamp in the book written in pen!

Really sorry to hear this has happened to you but stick with it once its done it will be worth it.

Failing that just get it up and running and stuff it through the wall into his front room.

That will do it.

dave wilkinson
26-09-2013, 09:25 PM
I hope this is a different car you posted about on july 2nd? - http://www.cslregister.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10724&page=2

if its the same car, shame on you for driving it until now, with it pinking! this will have knackered the block! If its not say so and people on here will be willing to help :thumbs:

27-09-2013, 09:29 AM
Hi Dave, thanks for your message and the er, the shame.

I've done 500 miles in the car since buying it, it took about 400 for me to tune my ears to the raucous noises the CSL spits out before I could hear the slightly tingling pinking noises. Since then I changed the plugs and coils, drove it about 50 miles, then realised it still wasn't right and took it back to the garage where it's been sat waiting to be looked at for the last 6 weeks.

Now it's being looked at, we have a better idea of the problem and I'm trying to get it sorted.

Thanks for your input and thanks everyone for the messages and PMs.