View Full Version : GoPro Hero 2 Motorsports for sale

20-09-2013, 07:28 PM

Before I stick my GoPro Hero 2 HD on ebay i thought i stick it on here to see if anyone was interested.

Its a Hero 2 HD Motorsports edition, so this comes with the suction mount, waterproof housing and the skeleton housing. I had some grand plans for car footage, but its not really happening.

Along with the camera it has a 32Gb memory card, a handlebar mount for a bike (good if your into MTB'ing or useful to attach to any tubular object of similar diameter). I also have a sony external mic and extension leads that have never been used - this was so you can have the camera outside the car but the mic inside to avoid wind noise. I never got round to trying it out.

Based on selling prices ive been watching, + a CSL register discount (ebay fees) - £170 delivered (within UK).

All in good working order after very little use, one of the plastic mount attachments needed epoxy-ing back together when a split appeared, but thats all.

PM me if interested.
