View Full Version : Fast Help Needed - Alarm keeps going off!!

07-07-2013, 12:16 PM
I am over at my mothers this weekend, in deepest darkest Wales.

Was awoken at 3:23 this morning to the sound of my car alarm...you know the feeling when you are dragged from Morpheus and then you suddenly realise that the cause is your car alarm?

So, outside sharpish and yes my Cesil is beeping away. Now my mum's in the middle of nowhere and a quick look round shows that the car is unmolested.

Put alarm back on and it started beeping straight away. I checked the sensor on the roof liner and no crawling spiders or such like.

Ended up leaving the alarm off and car unlocked and f**ked off back to bed.

This morning I put the alarm back on and 30 mins later it started going ape again.

Short term what are my options?

Can you disable the internal sensor (assuming that that is the cause?)
Reset the alarm?

I am due to take my folks down to the pub for lunch time and don't want to have it going off every 5 minutes (or leave it unlocked)

Manual isnt with me at the mo.


07-07-2013, 12:26 PM
Check the bonnet switch and I think but would need to check pressing the button twice whilst locking disables the interior sensors.

07-07-2013, 12:30 PM
Open all doors, boot and bonnet then shut them firmly.

It's worth a try

07-07-2013, 12:33 PM
Thanks guys -will give them a try. I locked it using the key 20 mins ago and it hasn't yet gone off....

note to self - spank Cesil at next opportunity to remind him who is Boss :banghead:

07-07-2013, 03:44 PM
Sometimes a battery on its way out will set off the alarm...

07-07-2013, 04:11 PM
I've had this recently, it's not the full alarm, more beeping. Seems to happen after a week or so of no use. And a charge seems to stop it for a few days. Even when locked with the door so the alarm is not set, it still seems to happen.

I am getting the battery replaced.

07-07-2013, 09:26 PM
Mine was def. a full alarm with flashing hazards. battery was changed prior to me picking the car up.

The car hasn't done it again today (locked with the key, as opposed to fob). So fingers crossed...

Cesil is now behaving on this one, but not with regards to the roof trim lifting....

07-07-2013, 10:14 PM
Mine went off a few times and it was faulty bonnet switch.

If you get codes read it will tell you which alarm sensor has been triggered.