View Full Version : Racelogic VBox Sport Group Buy

05-05-2013, 06:27 AM
After speaking to Nathan from Racedatasystems he has kindly offered a discount on Racelogics new VBox Sport.


Regular retail price is 250+vat

Racedatasystems will do us a deal of

5 orders the price is 255 inc Vat

If 10 orders the price is 246 inc Vat

The postage will be extra but we can get them sent to one person i.e Shimmy and we can collect for the Salzbergring track day.

Some of the guys on the GTR forum have these and are really impressed as there is an app for the iphone and the sport works inconjunction with Harry's lap timer.


05-05-2013, 08:30 AM
here is a better link


does it do laptiming?

(20 hz by the way guys and it links ih Harrys Laptimer - but not sure how or why)

05-05-2013, 08:50 AM
This is a bluetooth GPS receiver.
The idea is that you connect to it to your phone (iphone or android) and then the laptiming software uses this GPS receiver instead of the phone-embedded one.

I do the same thing with an android device and racechrono (http://www.racechrono.com/). I am pretty sure this racelogic receiver would work just fine on any laptiming software that allows you to select the GPS device.

The racelogic device also can log directly to an SD card, without the need of an external device.

I am using this receiver -> http://www.qstarz.com/Products/GPS%20Products/BT-Q818XT-F.htm which is 10Hz.

I guess the advantages of the racelogic device is that it is 20Hz and it can log directly to a card (I am not sure why would you need this, but anyway).
The price is quite high in my opinion.

05-05-2013, 08:58 AM
This is a bluetooth GPS receiver.
The idea is that you connect to it to your phone (iphone or android) and then the laptiming software uses this GPS receiver instead of the phone-embedded one.

I do the same thing with an android device and racechrono (http://www.racechrono.com/). I am pretty sure this racelogic receiver would work just fine on any laptiming software that allows you to select the GPS device.

The racelogic device also can log directly to an SD card, without the need of an external device.

I am using this receiver -> http://www.qstarz.com/Products/GPS%20Products/BT-Q818XT-F.htm which is 10Hz.

I guess the advantages of the racelogic device is that it is 20Hz and it can log directly to a card (I am not sure why would you need this, but anyway).
The price is quite high in my opinion.

i guess like you say it can make Harry better by using the 20hz gps by bluetooth and also log its own data to SD and then you can use the app or a PC to run Circuit Tools

i was thinking it is missing screen for immediate timings but if it imporves Harrys on the iphone, you can use Harrys info each session or maybe use the app it comes with!

05-05-2013, 09:01 AM
One more point here.

The accuracy of the GPS chipset is also important.
This has to do with how accurately the position that you are is calculated.
You will be surprised with the accuracy of GPS chipsets of phones... it can be 50-200m off !
Just imagine the effect it can have on a laptime.
That's why I personally laugh when someone tells me his laptime, which was measured with Harry's laptimer on an iphone :whistle:

I see from the specs that the accuracy is 5m 95% CEP*.
That's mediocre in my opinion.

I bought this (http://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-ultimate-gps/overview) GPS chipset a few months back, the position accuracy is 1.8m (10Hz update frequency). 39.95$

05-05-2013, 09:02 AM
i guess like you say it can make Harry better by using the 20hz gps by bluetooth and also log its own data to SD and then you can use the app or a PC to run Circuit Tools

i was thinking it is missing screen for immediate timings but if it imporves Harrys on the iphone, you can use Harrys info each session or maybe use the app it comes with!

Correct shimmy
It's making harry's laptimer or racechrono or other apps far more better !

05-05-2013, 09:04 AM
One more point here.

The accuracy of the GPS chipset is also important.
This has to do with how accurately the position that you are is calculated.
You will be surprised with the accuracy of GPS chipsets of phones... it can be 50-200m off !
Just imagine the effect it can have on a laptime.
That's why I personally laugh when someone tells me his laptime, which was measured with Harry's laptimer on an iphone :whistle:

I see from the specs that the accuracy is 5m 95% CEP*.
That's mediocre in my opinion.

I bought this (http://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-ultimate-gps/overview) GPS chipset a few months back, the position accuracy is 1.8m (10Hz update frequency). 39.95$

i run PBox and Harrys at the same time and have seen differences 0.01 to 0.50s depending on the day and circuit.

05-05-2013, 09:17 AM
i run PBox and Harrys at the same time and have seen differences 0.01 to 0.50s depending on the day and circuit.

They are doing some interpolation stuff to deal with the lack of accuracy.
Have you compared the 'position' differences between VBOX and iphone loggings ?

In summary, racelogic was always the leader in motorsports GPS logging.
I am pretty sure it is a fantastic product and the only one available with 20Hz update frequency (this gives 50ms accuracy).

05-05-2013, 10:25 AM
So chaps are you buying one or not???

If not go chat about it somewhere else :blalalala:

Mike R
07-05-2013, 10:21 AM
Add me to the list Stu :).

07-05-2013, 10:39 AM
After speaking to Nathan from Racedatasystems he has kindly offered a discount on Racelogics new VBox Sport.


Regular retail price is 250+vat

Racedatasystems will do us a deal of

5 orders the price is 255 inc Vat

If 10 orders the price is 246 inc Vat

The postage will be extra but we can get them sent to one person i.e Shimmy and we can collect for the Salzbergring track day.

Some of the guys on the GTR forum have these and are really impressed as there is an app for the iphone and the sport works inconjunction with Harry's lap timer.

2,Mike R