View Full Version : CSL A1 poster

29-04-2013, 08:03 PM
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BMW-M3-E46-CSL-poster-print-36-x-24-inch-Large-A1-size-/230967960760?pt=UK_Car_Parts_Vehicles_Automobila_E T&hash=item35c6c364b8

Nice pic - anyone on here?

29-04-2013, 11:40 PM
No but cheekily enough I contacted the buyer to do one for me without the reg plate and have it hanging up in my garage. Everyone who comes into the garage thinks it is mine, :laughing:

The guy was a pleasure to deal with.

30-04-2013, 05:45 AM
That is a cracking photo... in the best colour :whistle:

Mike R
17-05-2013, 04:05 PM
Is the poster in colour then, as it mentions "bright vivid colour printing", yet the photo is in black and white ;) :hahaha:!

17-05-2013, 04:30 PM
Is the poster in colour then, as it mentions "bright vivid colour printing", yet the photo is in black and white ;) :hahaha:!

Good point :hahaha: and sorry to disagree with some on here but this is NOT a great photograph, not by a country mile.
The angle is too steep, there's clear over use of wide angle lens distorting the CSLs good looks and what's with that questionable number plate ? I could go on but...

Neil M
17-05-2013, 06:18 PM
Good point :hahaha: and sorry to disagree with some on here but this is NOT a great photograph, not by a country mile.
The angle is too steep, there's clear over use of wide angle lens distorting the CSLs good looks and what's with that questionable number plate ? I could go on but...

Agreed, not a particular good image, too much distortion although the B&W does add a certain 'noiresque' look to it.
If ever an opportunity presented itself this must be it Matt. Deano's showed you his now show him yours, as it should be done.:thumbs:

17-05-2013, 06:45 PM
Agreed, not a particular good image, too much distortion although the B&W does add a certain 'noiresque' look to it.
If ever an opportunity presented itself this must be it Matt. Deano's showed you his now show him yours, as it should be done.:thumbs:

That'd be too easy for me Neil :wink: + some on here will accuse me of showing off... again ! :-D ... in which case here are a few of my Happy Snaps :)

17-05-2013, 07:36 PM
Good point :hahaha: and sorry to disagree with some on here but this is NOT a great photograph, not by a country mile.
The angle is too steep, there's clear over use of wide angle lens distorting the CSLs good looks and what's with that questionable number plate ? I could go on but...

I can answer a few questions here :

1) The Car was a 2003 CSL I purchased from Coopers BMW Colchester in December 2003.
2) The Photographs were taken at a friends farm who dabbled in photography.
3) The number plate is kosha and S80LER has been owned by me for a long time. Whats questionable about the plate ?
4) The car was sold by me in 2005 to Thorney who decided to turn it into a race car !!
5) The original reg was EJ53VSL

Hope that helps :beer:

17-05-2013, 09:38 PM
I can answer a few questions here :

1) The Car was a 2003 CSL I purchased from Coopers BMW Colchester in December 2003.
2) The Photographs were taken at a friends farm who dabbled in photography.
3) The number plate is kosha and S80LER has been owned by me for a long time. Whats questionable about the plate ?
4) The car was sold by me in 2005 to Thorney who decided to turn it into a race car !!
5) The original reg was EJ53VSL

Hope that helps :beer:

And if im correct its now a very very nice road car again with a simply stunning interior with cage and harnesses. The owner is on here

17-05-2013, 10:27 PM
I can answer a few questions here :

1) The Car was a 2003 CSL I purchased from Coopers BMW Colchester in December 2003.
2) The Photographs were taken at a friends farm who dabbled in photography.
3) The number plate is kosha and S80LER has been owned by me for a long time. Whats questionable about the plate ?
4) The car was sold by me in 2005 to Thorney who decided to turn it into a race car !!
5) The original reg was EJ53VSL

Hope that helps :beer:

I meant/wrote that in the context of the CSL pic we were discussing and it appearing unrelated to a generic picture of an M3 CSL... not the plate being in poor taste or illegal ;)
Clearly it's hinting @ your surname :smokin: although I read it as S Boler, as in "Ten Pin" :banghead: Dyslexia is a cruel mistress :hahaha:

18-05-2013, 07:51 PM
And if im correct its now a very very nice road car again with a simply stunning interior with cage and harnesses. The owner is on here

you're too kind :) merely brought back from the dead to fight another day on the road or race track :P