View Full Version : Removing airfilter from the airbox?

22-03-2013, 01:39 PM
JeffG said in a thread here that he experienced louder noise and better throttle response when you drive without the airfilter from the carbon airbox. Has anyone tried this yet?
The pistons would get serious damage after some time because of this no?

22-03-2013, 01:46 PM
I would think its more a problem with valve wear over time, that and the fact the CSL can suck small children in. It may be louder but unless you're doing regular rebuilds, hardly worth it surely?!

22-03-2013, 01:49 PM
I would think its more a problem with valve wear over time, that and the fact the CSL can suck small children in. It may be louder but unless you're doing regular rebuilds, hardly worth it surely?!

i lold :-D:-D