View Full Version : Power Steering Fluid check/ change

15-03-2013, 04:14 PM
I wondered if anyone actually checks their levels or have drained theirs as part of routine maintenance as this is not changed during Inspection II. Power steering seems to be only checked for leaks and I believe they dont check levels in reservoir due to airbox restricting access to it. I know like the SMG its not a fluid that is crucial for change but it doesn't hurt.

Whilst doing a series of checks, fluid changes, mods and having airbox out a while ago I got access to checking the level in the reservoir and it was below the minimal level mark, so instead of just toping up I decided to drain old fluid out and replace with fresh as it comes in 1L bottles anyway.

Level should read 10mm above MAX line when engine is at normal operating temperature (around 50-60C) and around the MAX line at 20C. Fluid was cold when I checked, so works out to be low. No real suspicion of any leaks but expect it may be a little low due to the common reservoir leak out the breather hole leaving evidence of mess around it regularly.

Level when cold.
http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/7539/img3178w.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/203/img3178w.jpg/)