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The Gorilla
15-03-2013, 12:51 PM

Not looking good.


The original the above Translation was
taken from.



The Gorilla.

Neil M
15-03-2013, 02:09 PM
I think the 'Register' on behalf of all members should get behind the campaign and lend its support:

"Dear friends of the Nürburgring the problems at the Nürburgring I need you describe sure nich.
The association "Yes to the Nürburgring" will once again a battle with the aim of restoring the old debt and the Nürburgring motorsport but under expert guidance. To support our claim we make this petition, the views I you to participate in all.
We ask you also to organize as many signatures, please return until 10/03/2012.:
Club "Yes to the Nürburgring" eV
Mr. Otto Flimm
PO Box 1240
50321 Brühl
Thank you.
Otto Flimm
Chairman of the "Yes to the Nürburgring"

Please print demands and petitions and 3 to October 2012 return.

http://www.ja-zum-nuerburgring.de/sites/all/modules/filefield/icons/application-pdf.png Petition" (http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=de&tl=en&u=http://www.ja-zum-nuerburgring.de/sites/default/files/pressemitteilungen/downloads/unterschriftenaktion.pdf&usg=ALkJrhi3_sJHNAmurCd97cp67ZOtJcCcJg)

I think given the date above that it may be a bit late in the day, but still worth making representation.