- L&R
- birds and bees
- little jimmy
- Batman rides again ! ..old 'un but funny
- Im buying all members a coffee !
- Rampant rabbit ! just like me, loves his PuSsy !
- The difference between a rich country ..and a poor one
- The difference between a rich country ..and a poor one
- There i fixed it (again)
- Jonny Wilkinson ...kicking shite !
- Buying a BMW
- Caravan stuck
- When fireworks go wrong ...at my place !
- Why drinking Stella is bad for you !
- Paddy's new job !
- The DuncanR method of beating the Spa noise test
- Total Clarity
- Abdul my neighbour
- what not to do with a scooter
- Every once in a while, in life you run into a genius with true talent.
- Temperature differential between England & Scotland
- Golden oldie but love it
- Carlsberg Care Homes
- Typical Yanks !
- Typical Yanks !
- Sing me a thong???
- Sing me a thong???
- English football ??? ha ha
- Australian view of torture ! ..old but i like it
- Im never drinking again !!
- The Missus
- Moat II
- Mate at the World Cup
- British Vuvuzela
- New green Nike shoes
- rothbury meet
- One for Hazy !
- New emergency number for ... well ...i dont write this !
- One for the sweaty socks amongst us !
- Lottery winner
- Email from Arab student to Dad
- Irish mail oreder catalogue
- A few one liners
- Tribute to Abu Hamza
- Proud to be an old fart
- Immigrants
- gazza
- grandma,s prawn
- police warning
- The Journey of man !
- Holiday in Thailand - Bealo beware !
- A bit of a giggle .... tossers !!!
- Impaired hearing !
- Kylie and a happy bear !
- Simple Simon
- Irish Newlyweds
- World Submarine Racing Championships
- At a party
- Paddy and swinging ..old 'un but i like it !
- Hitler sings
- Man walks into a Pharmacy
- Paddy at a Disco
- Yet another blonde joke
- Apple does it again
- Nissan Micra amateur stunt jump!
- Baby raver
- Shooting incident in Cornwall
- Psychiatrists vs. Barmen
- The haynes manual explained
- Made me laugh out loud!!
- Best quote of the year ...
- iPhone BOX for sale
- It pains me to post this.... but even they would laugh at them ...i think
- Paddies Fingers
- Ryanair fookin scare Aida ...brill
- A prayer for Daddy
- Paddy at the Doctors
- Bin Laden Liquor Store shoot em up !
- David Cameron
- Car Wash Goes Wrong ...
- Boob Apron
- Hitler finds out about Usain Bolt
- A good lesson on australian female compassion
- Oirish Patrick
- Stop choking - aussie style
- Heart Burn and Gaviscon ad
- Interesting piece of history
- Poor scarecrow
- Poo woman ..what a name !!
- Blind skydiver
- Ban fox hunting
- Day in a life of a Freelance Photographer
- Colin the Aborigine
- My ex-wife the pilot
- Two couples go away for the weekend.......
- The Divorced Barbie Doll
- Euro PC Terminology!
- Muslim prostitute
- Big People Words
- Extract from Tony Blairs book
- Swearing
- Paddy
- Rear ended
- The Vicar in the Hotel
- Mood Ring
- I hate football ...but ..this guy !!!
- Windows 8 - or not ?
- Cure for depressed Lesbian
- New GF
- Think your handy with a rope?
- iRon
- cheeky fecker!
- Kate Middleton
- A Cow's Tail For Golfers
- Extracts from letters written to local councils:
- some jokes
- Jeremy Kyle
- Gentleman
- Uncle Eric
- Party popper !
- Crazy Camber
- What a Body
- Lotto Winner
- Property for sale
- Computer Repair
- 3 dogs at the vets ..love the old one s
- Seamus and Bessie
- Serious threat - be on the lookout !!
- Unemployed pianist
- BMW advertising @ its best
- Sorry to tell you all this, but.....
- Wifes sexual fantasies
- The North South divide
- Roger Federer ...clever stuff !
- Scouser Friday
- Blonde at the Garage
- My Letter of Apology,
- Weather Report
- How to drive a bmw in the snow
- Jabu's black eye
- Get your prostrate checked lads !
- St Valentines Day
- Best card trick ever ???
- do you think this will hurt??
- About those 72 virgins!
- It's mine
- Pub Quiz!
- iPhone Auto Correct Funnies
- Drinking with a Yorkshire Lass!
- Fanny Waxer
- This is funny!
- Try this one!
- Why Men are never depressed!
- Men and women are born this way !!
- Can you believe it
- Rabbie Burns
- Where is the Rake?
- the hunter
- Was I being Snobby?
- superman
- Terrible! Lol
- Truck changing lanes drivers beware
- This is for the drinkers out there and DAZ
- Jehovah's Witness
- Kids...dont you just love 'em
- Strange funeral
- fooking truckers!
- The Races..
- Intelegence test
- Knobbley knees
- Just makes you proud......
- British Math lesson!
- In the Park
- My Wife's
- A Biker story
- Relax
- Medical Discovery....
- Lie Detector..
- The Glasgow Gorilla.
- Glasgow Rangers
- Did I read that sign right?
- A letter to a Son.
- Grooming products
- Depression
- Double Standards
- iPad iPod iPhone.
- My best Rugby moment
- Communication problem
- Wednesday joke
- Alternative Proposal
- The Bins
- Irish SAS
- Lads!
- New Starbucks Drink
- A Scotsman's Chilli
- Had to come
- Royal Wedding pressy
- The Hotel Bill
- John O'Reilly's Toast!
- Oz Choking Cure
- Little Jonny again
- Levels of stress
- Annual apology
- The Girl Lodger!
- Children are clever
- This will meke you rolf
- Crabs
- School
- Geography of a Woman
- Amy Winehouse
- Mostly Unhaunted
- Nam
- US advert...
- The Marriage!
- Nice quicky.
- Why men shouldn't be agony aunts!!
- funny
- The Barber
- Your 'Economic Stimulus' payment
- You wonder why I'm fooked...
- They're getting worse...
- ~A Cup of Tea ~
- Costa
- Sat Jokes
- JobGate
- Harry v Fabio
- Dwarf and the hooker
- Redknap Turns down England.
- Mechanic and the Cardiologist
- Car Accident
- She doesn't like her new perfume..........
- walkers Crisps
- Dogs Dinner
- The best engine in the world...
- The New Bars Irn-Bru advert Steamy Windows
- Shit girlfriend
- How many of us would look ?
- The wife
- Sex Insurance
- Not politically correct... But Funny
- The things you see in work
- Tom Cruise
- Some one liners!
- Girl friends joke
- Couple of funnies...
- Worlds best car salesman!