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  1. L&R
  2. birds and bees
  3. little jimmy
  4. Batman rides again ! ..old 'un but funny
  5. Im buying all members a coffee !
  6. Rampant rabbit ! just like me, loves his PuSsy !
  7. The difference between a rich country ..and a poor one
  8. The difference between a rich country ..and a poor one
  9. There i fixed it (again)
  10. Jonny Wilkinson ...kicking shite !
  11. Buying a BMW
  12. Caravan stuck
  13. When fireworks go wrong ...at my place !
  14. Why drinking Stella is bad for you !
  15. Paddy's new job !
  16. The DuncanR method of beating the Spa noise test
  17. Total Clarity
  18. Abdul my neighbour
  19. what not to do with a scooter
  20. Every once in a while, in life you run into a genius with true talent.
  21. Temperature differential between England & Scotland
  22. Golden oldie but love it
  23. Carlsberg Care Homes
  24. Typical Yanks !
  25. Typical Yanks !
  26. Sing me a thong???
  27. Sing me a thong???
  28. English football ??? ha ha
  29. Australian view of torture ! ..old but i like it
  30. Im never drinking again !!
  31. The Missus
  32. MOAT
  33. Moat II
  34. Mate at the World Cup
  35. British Vuvuzela
  36. New green Nike shoes
  37. rothbury meet
  38. One for Hazy !
  39. New emergency number for ... well ...i dont write this !
  40. One for the sweaty socks amongst us !
  41. Lottery winner
  42. Email from Arab student to Dad
  43. Irish mail oreder catalogue
  44. A few one liners
  45. Tribute to Abu Hamza
  46. Proud to be an old fart
  47. Immigrants
  48. gazza
  49. grandma,s prawn
  50. police warning
  51. The Journey of man !
  52. Holiday in Thailand - Bealo beware !
  53. A bit of a giggle .... tossers !!!
  54. Impaired hearing !
  55. Kylie and a happy bear !
  56. Simple Simon
  57. Irish Newlyweds
  58. World Submarine Racing Championships
  59. At a party
  60. Paddy and swinging ..old 'un but i like it !
  61. Hitler sings
  62. Man walks into a Pharmacy
  63. Paddy at a Disco
  64. Yet another blonde joke
  65. Apple does it again
  66. Nissan Micra amateur stunt jump!
  67. Baby raver
  68. Shooting incident in Cornwall
  70. Psychiatrists vs. Barmen
  71. The haynes manual explained
  72. Made me laugh out loud!!
  73. Best quote of the year ...
  74. iPhone BOX for sale
  75. It pains me to post this.... but even they would laugh at them ...i think
  76. Paddies Fingers
  77. Ryanair fookin scare Aida ...brill
  78. A prayer for Daddy
  79. Paddy at the Doctors
  80. Bin Laden Liquor Store shoot em up !
  81. David Cameron
  82. Car Wash Goes Wrong ...
  83. Boob Apron
  84. Hitler finds out about Usain Bolt
  85. A good lesson on australian female compassion
  86. Oirish Patrick
  87. Stop choking - aussie style
  88. Heart Burn and Gaviscon ad
  89. Interesting piece of history
  90. Poor scarecrow
  91. Poo woman ..what a name !!
  92. Blind skydiver
  93. Ban fox hunting
  94. Day in a life of a Freelance Photographer
  95. Colin the Aborigine
  96. My ex-wife the pilot
  97. Two couples go away for the weekend.......
  98. RIP
  99. The Divorced Barbie Doll
  100. Euro PC Terminology!
  101. Muslim prostitute
  102. Big People Words
  103. Extract from Tony Blairs book
  104. Swearing
  105. Paddy
  106. Rear ended
  107. The Vicar in the Hotel
  108. Mood Ring
  109. I hate football ...but ..this guy !!!
  111. Windows 8 - or not ?
  112. Cure for depressed Lesbian
  113. New GF
  114. Think your handy with a rope?
  115. iRon
  116. cheeky fecker!
  117. Kate Middleton
  118. A Cow's Tail For Golfers
  119. Extracts from letters written to local councils:
  120. some jokes
  121. Jeremy Kyle
  122. Gentleman
  123. Uncle Eric
  124. Party popper !
  125. Crazy Camber
  126. What a Body
  127. Lotto Winner
  128. Property for sale
  129. Computer Repair
  130. 3 dogs at the vets ..love the old one s
  131. Seamus and Bessie
  132. Serious threat - be on the lookout !!
  133. Unemployed pianist
  134. BMW advertising @ its best
  135. Sorry to tell you all this, but.....
  136. Wifes sexual fantasies
  137. The North South divide
  138. Roger Federer ...clever stuff !
  139. Scouser Friday
  140. Blonde at the Garage
  141. My Letter of Apology,
  142. Weather Report
  143. How to drive a bmw in the snow
  144. Jabu's black eye
  145. Get your prostrate checked lads !
  146. St Valentines Day
  147. Best card trick ever ???
  148. do you think this will hurt??
  149. About those 72 virgins!
  150. It's mine
  151. Pub Quiz!
  152. iPhone Auto Correct Funnies
  153. Drinking with a Yorkshire Lass!
  154. Fanny Waxer
  155. This is funny!
  156. Try this one!
  157. Why Men are never depressed!
  158. Men and women are born this way !!
  159. Can you believe it
  160. Rabbie Burns
  161. Where is the Rake?
  162. the hunter
  163. Was I being Snobby?
  164. superman
  165. Terrible! Lol
  166. Truck changing lanes drivers beware
  167. This is for the drinkers out there and DAZ
  168. Jehovah's Witness
  169. Kids...dont you just love 'em
  170. Strange funeral
  171. fooking truckers!
  172. The Races..
  173. Intelegence test
  174. Knobbley knees
  175. Just makes you proud......
  176. British Math lesson!
  177. In the Park
  178. My Wife's
  179. A Biker story
  180. Relax
  181. Medical Discovery....
  182. Lie Detector..
  183. The Glasgow Gorilla.
  184. Glasgow Rangers
  185. Did I read that sign right?
  186. A letter to a Son.
  187. Grooming products
  188. Depression
  189. Double Standards
  190. iPad iPod iPhone.
  191. My best Rugby moment
  192. Communication problem
  193. Wednesday joke
  194. Alternative Proposal
  195. The Bins
  196. Irish SAS
  197. Lads!
  198. New Starbucks Drink
  199. A Scotsman's Chilli
  200. Had to come
  201. Royal Wedding pressy
  202. The Hotel Bill
  203. John O'Reilly's Toast!
  204. Oz Choking Cure
  205. Little Jonny again
  206. Levels of stress
  207. Annual apology
  208. The Girl Lodger!
  209. Children are clever
  210. This will meke you rolf
  211. Crabs
  212. School
  213. Geography of a Woman
  214. Amy Winehouse
  215. Mostly Unhaunted
  216. Nam
  217. US advert...
  218. The Marriage!
  219. Nice quicky.
  220. Why men shouldn't be agony aunts!!
  221. funny
  222. The Barber
  223. Your 'Economic Stimulus' payment
  224. You wonder why I'm fooked...
  225. They're getting worse...
  226. ~A Cup of Tea ~
  227. Costa
  228. Sat Jokes
  229. JobGate
  230. Harry v Fabio
  231. Dwarf and the hooker
  232. Redknap Turns down England.
  233. Mechanic and the Cardiologist
  234. Car Accident
  235. She doesn't like her new perfume..........
  236. walkers Crisps
  237. Dogs Dinner
  238. The best engine in the world...
  239. The New Bars Irn-Bru advert Steamy Windows
  240. Shit girlfriend
  241. How many of us would look ?
  242. The wife
  243. Sex Insurance
  244. Not politically correct... But Funny
  245. The things you see in work
  246. Tom Cruise
  247. Some one liners!
  248. Girl friends joke
  249. Couple of funnies...
  250. Worlds best car salesman!